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Spotlight guides - Introductory

Spotlight Guides are concise, research-based 2-page guides focusing on a particular aspect of innovative curriculum practice. Typically, they include short definitions, a range of practical tips under their ‘Putting it into Practice’ sections and strategies to meet anticipated challenges. Some take the form of infographics, usually accompanying a textual guide.

DigiGuides - Introductory+

DigiGuides help you choose and apply appropriate digital tools and pedagogies to innovate in your curriculum. They typically provide detailed guidance on how to use a specific technology to enhance your digital education designs. They take a range of forms including video and text, often with practical illustrations.

DIY guides - Introductory+

DIY guides are longer than Spotlight Guides and support academic staff to make changes to their learning, teaching, assessment or curriculum design activities. They detail a range of specific practical ideas and can be in text or video formats.

On Demand - Going deeper

These asynchronous Canvas courses will allow you to explore a subject in more depth, growing your critical understanding of pedagogical topics and helping prepare you to apply the approaches you learn about to your own learning and teaching context. On Demand complements the range of CIE workshops, guides and resources that are on offer.

Case studies - Examples

These include a range of case studies shared by colleagues from across the University and beyond about their curriculum-based learning and teaching innovations. Some share tiny changes, while others are more detailed. They take a range of forms including audio/podcast conversations, video and text. They can inspire you and provide practical tips on implementing new practice.

Toolkits - Putting it into practice

Toolkits are designed to give you all the tools you need to implement an innovation. Toolkits gather together practical tools such as audit and reflective tools, adaptable templates for class activities and assessment designs, ‘plug and play’ resources you can share with your students to enable them to engage with your innovation, lesson plans and teaching guides, etc. They will also suggest a small number of quick wins to get you started on larger curriculum changes.

Tools or Templates - Putting it into practice

Tools or templates may be standalone or exist as elements within the toolkits. They are designed to help you innovate while saving you time. They are described under the Toolkits heading.



Hallmarks, Attributes and Core values:

Type Title Summary Keywords
Spotlight guide Enquiry Based Learning Enquiry in its simplest form is about questioning, seeking new information and looking for answers. Enquiry-based learning (EBL) harnesses the power of enquiry. A well designed EBL approach is centred on the enquirers (students) at the heart of the activity. EBL champions curiosity and encourages students to not only ask questions, but to ask robust, considered and well researched questions and share their findings with peers. Research-connected teaching Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Learning Outcomes with Blooms Verb Guide Writing learning outcomes is the first step in creating your teaching. Whether for a single session, a module you’re leading, or a complete programme, learning outcomes form the foundation of what you want to teach and how your students learn. Bloom’s taxonomy (1956) of different objectives and skills includes six levels of learning that can help you structure effective learning outcomes, teaching activities and assessments (“Bloom’s Taxonomy | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University,” n.d.). Research-connected teaching Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Cultural Integration of Home and Overseas Students Overseas students play a vital role in the success of the University and meeting their multiculturally diverse needs is essential for that to happen. This should be pursued, not in isolation, but in the context of their cultural integration with students from the UK. Inclusivity Global citizenship Confidence Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Authentic Assessment Assessment is considered authentic when it requires students to apply newly acquired knowledge and skills to realistic scenarios. Assessment tasks can then reflect those expected from graduate-level professionals. Wiggins (1990) defines assessment as authentic if it is realistic, requires judgement, simulates real life contexts and assesses students’ judgement in negotiating a complex task, whilst allowing appropriate opportunities to practice and receive feedback on performance. Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Capstone Projects Capstone research and enquiry projects afford opportunities for students to learn through active enquiry and research, at every curriculum level (Fung, 2017). Such projects are often undertaken as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students (GSP, 2016) towards the end of their studies. They are designed so that students can demonstrate their breadth of learning across a programme by applying knowledge to a project, topic, piece of research or ‘real world’ issue (Centre for Innovation in Education, 2019). Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Multi-cultural Group Work Group work (GW) can enhance student experience and engagement. Individuals negotiate their learning and scaffold knowledge through group activities and discussion. Working in diverse groups increases students’ cross-cultural awareness and helps foster a sense of belonging, assisting their social integration. It is not always easy to design and implement successful multicultural group work. Learners may say they prefer to work in homogenous groups - achieving higher grades due to easier communication, having shared cultural experiences, and avoiding linguistic difficulties. Inclusivity Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Student-Staff Partnership Student-Staff Partnership is an approach to thinking and working in education that uses collaboration between students and staff in the design of teaching & learning. Traditionally staff carry out changes to course designs taking on-board suggestions from the ‘Student Voice’ (via course reps or end of unit evaluations). However, within student-staff partnership responsibility for change is shared mutually, with collaboration taking place earlier in the design process before changes are set in stone (Mercer-Mapstone & Marie, 2019). Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Digital Fluency Digitally fluent graduates think critically and make balanced judgements as they select and use digital platforms to connect, collaborate, and communicate in academic and professional contexts and as citizens. They are open to continuously developing digital practices and artefacts and they manage their digital identity in a professional and responsible manner allowing appropriate opportunities to practice and receive feedback on performance. Digital fluency Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Inclusive Curriculum An inclusive curriculum ensures that all students, including those with protected characteristics, have equal opportunity to participate and succeed at every stage (AdvanceHE, n.d.). Inclusivity Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Case study Using mobiles for learner-centred listening lessons This case study outlines how mobile devices have been used for listening activities during lessons. Digital fluency Active learning Case study
Case study Mediating Memory - Blog assessment Students designed and curated a ‘virtual museum’ in the form of a multi-media blog page. Inclusivity Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Virtual immersive clinical simulation This case study explores the use of virtual reality as a tool for simulated learning. Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study A blended approach to teaching Therapeutic Radiography students physics This case study demonstrates how a blended learning approach can improve students’ confidence. Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Bouncebackability: the importance of resilience in the graduate job market In this case study resilience based learning activities are used to help students develop self awareness Research-connected teaching Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Developing student research skills and confidence through an academic style Student Journal Insider Imprint is a student journal for undergraduate and masters students. Research-connected teaching Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Placing cultural difference, teamwork, and peer-learning at the heart of a new learning design How the practice and theory of online education improved the learning experience of on-campus students. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Active learning Case study
Case study Getting to know you: Dragons' Den as an interprofessional learning activity Students from six health professional programmes engaged in a Dragons’ Den activity to promote interdisciplinary understanding of their roles. Research-connected teaching Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Using webinars to promote student engagement and confidence Webinars have been used in this case study to provide off-campus students with interactive learning opportunities. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Student video production projects as pedagogic tools Producing short videos helps students enhance subject knowledge, communication skills and digital fluency. Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Developing self-regulated learners: promoting student engagement with feedback This case study showcases an approach to developing students' self-regulatory behaviours, improving their confidence, focus and performance. Research-connected teaching Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Using 360° images, and reporting 'near misses', to engage students with Health and Safety Using technology to prepare students for a physical environment in which they are still learners or novices. Research-connected teaching Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Greening the campus: Implementing change through interdisciplinary ‘real-world’ projects This case study explores the use of real-world projects with interdisciplinary and intercultural groups. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Developing digital fluency and critical thinking through digital humanities scholarship Follow this case study’s students as they become digital detectives of the past. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Authentic assessment in a non-vocational discipline: consultancy-led assessment in Geography and Environmental Science Three modules using authentic assessment in the form of consultancy reports aimed at real clients. Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Creating researchers of the future using freely accessible tools By creating accessible, intuitive research tools you can enable students to undertake and engage with high level, research standard work. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study The use of e-interviews to Support Preparation for Practice in PG and UG Radiotherapy Preparing students for a digital recruitment process. Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study An exploration of types of feedback given to clinical dental students, and how best it can be used in support of their learning Assessment and Feedback as part of a developmental process. Authentic assessment Case study
Case study Using authentic assessment and outreach activity to upskill students studying Portuguese Beyond assessment: how students are sharing their experiences of language learning and cultural diversity in local schools. Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Problem-solving with Lego® SeriousPlay® Developing first-year postgraduate researchers creative problem-solving skills. Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Imagination takes Command: students as agents of civic engagement Developing student attributes through real world urban regeneration projects. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Enhancing a School’s Curriculum using Technology: Process and Recommendations Creating and implementing a TEL strategy to provide new opportunities for learning and teaching. Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Spotlight guide Peer Assisted Learning Bridging the gap between school and university is a longstanding issue in HE, requiring students to adapt to a different educational environment. PAL is a student-to-student support in which higher year students (‘leaders’) facilitate study sessions for lower year students. PAL is growing in popularity due to a number of factors, including research evidence of the impact of PAL (Keenan 2014; Sedghi 2013), as well as the scheme’s promotion of ‘students as partners’ in learning. Confidence Active learning Spotlight guide
Case study Embedding authentic Careers and Employability activities into the Chemistry curriculum Preparing students for the graduate recruitment process and beyond. Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Enhancing students’ experience and academic performance through peer assisted learning How peer assisted learning benefits new and existing students. Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Research Internship Module: Enhancing employability through outward mobility Rethinking international opportunities for students is creating more globally-connected researchers. Inclusivity Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Confidence Case study
Spotlight guide Digital Storytelling Storytelling is a powerful tool for learning: humans are hardwired to make sense of their lives and their surroundings through stories (Gottschall, 2012). In educational contexts, the storyteller engages more deeply with the subject (Salpeter, 2005). Digital storytelling is the practice of using digital technology to tell stories that have a purpose and present a particular point of view. Unlike traditional stories, digital stories are presented through a mix of modes: text, visuals, audio and video. Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Formative Assessment Formative assessment refers to a range of both formal and informal assessment procedures conducted during the learning process. They enable and support modification to both teaching and learning activities and to improve student attainment (Crooks, 2001). It generally has a developmental purpose, designed to enable students to learn more effectively by providing them with feedback on their performance and indicating how this can be improved or maintained. Formative assessments typically focus on the details of performance and content rather than scores and as such tend to include qualitative feedback (Huhta, 2010). Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Designing Academic Integrity into Curricula Academic Integrity underpins every aspect of both staff and student activity in higher education. Providing credit for people’s work and ideas, reporting accurate research findings and completing our own work is vital to the reputation of higher education institutions, academics and our students as future professionals. However academic integrity is often only considered from a negative perspective, when a breach occurs. Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Improving Academic Integrity using Turnitin Turnitin Feedback Studio is one of the widely used tools at the University of Liverpool for electronic management of assessment (EMA). Its key features are online submissions, ability to provide feedback and to check a document for originality. Turnitin stress that the tool is not to check for plagiarism, but to detect where there are instances of writing match against its sources. But there are still ways you can combat contract cheating and interpret plagiarism. Digital fluency Confidence Spotlight guide
DIY guide Accessible Presentations This video is for anyone presenting to students and other audiences. It identifies some common issues for neuro-diverse and disabled learners and explores some quick ways to create more accessible presentation slides and resources. DIY guide
Case study Delivering Undergraduate Political Speeches: Creating confident communicators How combining practical training and academic research enabled students to write and deliver convincing arguments. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Spotlight guide Innovative Digital Assessment In this guide, we propose you to consider setting assessments in formats not considered before. What is considered innovation in one discipline might not be considered as such in another. However, innovation generally means change directed at improving a current practice, and that the initiator sees this change as innovation in a specific context (Hannan and Silver, 2000). To proponents of digital innovation, the question is not whether technology should be used in classrooms, but how it should be used (Wellings and Levine, 2009). Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Case study Enhancing student confidence, skills and employability through the creation of assessed embedded video presentations in posters Students produced a poster with embedded video, accessed by a QR code for assessment and to engage in Computer Science employability events. Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Spotlight guide What are Rubrics? A rubric is a highly effective measurement tool that positions your assessment criteria against a performance level, behaviour, or product. Rubrics can be used for a wide range of assignments such as oral presentations, essays, group projects, etc. Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
DigiGuide How to support students in uploading scanned documents to the VLE This guide has been produced to provide step by step instructions to students on how to scan and upload documents to both VITAL and Canvas platforms. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Polling and Interaction Tools for Teaching Polling technologies are an easy form of inviting and building interactivity into your teaching. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Guidance on setting up online exams This set of guides provides an overview of approaches that assessment teams may consider when setting up exams and other forms of summative assessment through Canvas. This covers exams conducted through the Assignment and the Quiz tool, and highlights approaches, good practices, and settings that lecturers and assessment teams may wish to consider to ensure that assessment is fair and inclusive. DigiGuide
DigiGuide How to record in Microsoft PowerPoint, upload to Canvas, add captions and embed/share These guides have been produced and collated to provide you with the options available and instructions how to record video content, add captions and share with students. DigiGuide
Spotlight guide Teaching Students to Work With Feedback & Rubrics Teaching students to work with feedback and rubrics, can help them to constructively apply their learning as they progress through their studies. The impact of feedback can be one of the strongest influences, positive or negative, on students’ learning and achievement (Hattie, 2009). There is also a wide range of evidence from sources such as the NSS (National Student Survey) and TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment) that students are generally dissatisfied with feedback (Office for Students, 2019) Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Online Pedagogy Online pedagogy offers us an opportunity to think differently about what makes for good learning. The constraints on face-to-face teaching are different to those in place for teaching that occurs within a fully online or hybrid learning environment. This means that any move to online learning will benefit from a creative approach, even as adjustments are required for both staff and students. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Case study Embedding employability in the mathematics curriculum How real-world projects enhanced students’ understanding of their discipline and improved their employability. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
DigiGuide A Comparison of Web Conference Tools for Active Online Teaching There are now a range of institutionally-supported web conferencing tools available for us to use in our work. This resource will help you to select a platform suitable for your learning and teaching needs. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Microsoft Teams & Canvas: A Story of Integration at the University of Liverpool Dr Monica Chavez and Will Moindrot (Centre for Innovation in Education) introduce the integration of Microsoft Teams and Canvas at the University of Liverpool. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Hosting and adding captions in Canvas Studio In this video Laura Blundell (Centre for Innovation in Education, University of Liverpool) outlines how to host and add captions in Canvas Studio. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Setting a custom image background in Microsoft Teams video calls In this video Rachelle O'Brien (Centre for Innovation in Education, University of Liverpool) demonstrates how to upload and use custom and personal image backgrounds for video calls in Microsoft Teams. DigiGuide
DigiGuide How to mute notifications in Microsoft Teams In this video Dr Monica Chavez (Centre for Innovation in Education, University of Liverpool) demonstrates how to mute notifications in Microsoft Teams. DigiGuide
Case study Using public-facing online spaces for meaning-making and collaboration How an extracurricular staff-student blog became a community supporting learning, criticality, and connectedness. Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Case study
Spotlight guide Decolonising the Curriculum To diversify the curriculum is to challenge power relations and to reflect about the content of your modules and how they are delivered. It is important to highlight that a “diverse” curriculum may look very different in Medicine, Physics and English, and that it is only you as the expert in the field who has the ultimate power to change or leave content as it is. It is not about removing white male authors from the reading list, but about creating a genuine interest in the forces of racism and colonialism and its impact in the present and the way education is delivered. Inclusivity Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Academic Integrity and Assessment “The International Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. We believe that these five values, plus the courage to act on them even in the face of adversity, are truly foundational to the academy” (International Center for Academic Integrity, 2014, p.16) . The University of Liverpool’s Academic Integrity Policy (UoL, 2019) outlines the process and consequences of breaches to academic integrity through the practices of plagiarism, collusion, dishonest use of data, copying or contract cheating in assessment. Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
DIY guide CIE Quick Start Guide to Implementing Hybrid Active Learning This Guide provides an overview of the process involved in adapting to a hybrid active learning delivery model. DIY guide
DigiGuide Making asynchronous video recordings accessible This Guide is focused on making asynchronous video recordings accessible, as part of regulatory requirements and good practice of designing inclusive learning resources for students. Captioning synchronous sessions is covered in another guide. You can also auto-caption existing recordings. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Online Group Work Group work (GW) is a primary element of active learning. Effective design and delivery of group work can potentially foster deep learning, help boost students’ confidence and also their sense of belonging. In the current situation we are moving towards a hybrid model of teaching and group work has a key role to play here. Face-to-face interactions between students and lecturers are going to be minimised, as will peer-to-peer communication, so group work can provide a response by deepening engagement with the course and helping reduce loneliness and isolation. This guide provides an overview of the various ways of setting up and assessing group work using Canvas, MS Teams and Buddycheck. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Creating groups in Canvas This is a step-by-step guide on how to set up group work in Canvas. It also includes a FAQ to help you configure your groups in Canvas. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Creating Groups in MSTeams This step-by-step guide provides you with information on how to set up group work in MS Teams in three different ways. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Guide to making a Microsoft Word document accessible This DigiGuide is on making a Microsoft Word document accessible. DigiGuide
Spotlight guide Online Groupwork Groups bring people together who have different expectations and ways of working. This guide outlines considerations for designing and supporting groupwork that occurs at least partly online. It takes groupwork to refer to a set of 3-6 students (Wheelan, 2009) who are working together to create a product of some kind. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
DigiGuide A talk with 'Microsoft Teams Champion' Chris Edmonds - Hosted by Dr Monica Chavez CIE had an inspiring conversation with Dr Chris Edmonds, one of the University of Liverpool's Microsoft Teams Champions, about ideas on how to implement project based learning using Teams... || Speaker: Dr Chris Edmonds - 24 January 2020 | 12 minutes DigiGuide
Case study A Round Table on Digital Fluency – Part One of our Curriculum Hallmarks and Graduate Attributes Series Our new podcast episode is a stimulating conversation on what digital fluency mean in different disciplines with three academics across the University of Liverpool. || Speakers: Dr Rob Treharne, Dr Jonathan Hogg and Dr Kerry Traynor - 06 February 2020 | 1 hour 9 minutes Case study
Case study Remote Teaching podcast: From the Beatles to Beefheart: How is it for the educators? What do Beatles pop songs and experimental jazz by Captain Beefhart & His Magic Band have to do with remote teaching? Please tune in to our podcast to find out... || Speakers: Dr Anna O’Connor, Prof Diana Jeater, Dr Stuart Wilks-Heeg and Dr James Gaynor - 21 April 2020 | 22 minutes Case study
Case study Remote Teaching podcast: From the Beatles to Beefheart: How is it going for students, and what’s next? In this second podcast on remote teaching, four lecturers from the University of Liverpool continue to discuss remote teaching during the #COVID pandemic... || Speakers: Dr Stuart Wilks-Heeg, Prof Diana Jeater, Dr James Gaynor and Dr Anna O’Connor - 23 April 2020 | 30 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies - Episode 1 - Part 1 Inspired by Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs, we asked our four guests, all lecturers at the University of Liverpool, to talk about a lightbulb moment with their students: when they felt that students ‘were getting it’ and they were part of this. To put a twist in the story, instead of being cast away to a desert island, they were asked to conjure up a Treasure island representing the precious synchronous contact time (whether face to face or virtual) and what items they would take with them. || Speakers: Dr Stuart Wilks-Heeg, Dr Anna O’Connor, Dr James Gaynor and Prof Diana Jeater - 15 June 2020 | 28 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies - Episode 1 - Part 2 In Part 2 of Treasure Island Discs, Anna, Diana, James and Stuart, lecturers at the University of Liverpool, discuss their thoughts and plans about moving towards hybrid active learning in autumn 2020. How might we preserve and carry on these lightbulb moments for our students in a social distancing campus? || Speakers: Dr Stuart Wilks-Heeg, Dr Anna O’Connor, Dr James Gaynor and Prof Diana Jeater - 15 June 2020 | 25 minutes Case study
Case study CIE Launch Our first Podcast starts with a look at what CIE is and does. We chat with Simon Thomson and Ceri Coulby and look at how you can expect to work alongside CIE in the future. || Speakers: Simon Thomson and Ceri Coulby - 07 March 2019 | 22 minutes Case study
DigiGuide How to Record a Presentation within Canvas Studio With Canvas Studio it is very easy to record videos and screen recordings directly from your computer, ready for use within your Canvas courses or other sites including VITAL. DigiGuide
DigiGuide How to Record a Narrated PowerPoint Presentation from within PowerPoint An easy way to record a video of your teaching is to produce a narrated presentation through PowerPoint. DigiGuide
DigiGuide How to Share Canvas Studio Resources within a Canvas Course This guide will show you how to use resources you have uploaded or created in Canvas Studio into your Canvas course. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Basic Introduction to OBS Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free and open-source cross-platform streaming and recording program. It can be used to record screencasts, webinars, online meetings, online lectures and a range of other digital events and resources. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Getting the Best Sound for Your Recordings A quick guide to optimising your sound for narrated multimedia. Includes recommended equipment, recording environment checks and an overview of post-production. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Accessing Canvas Studio Video Editor This guide will give you a step-by-step method to accessing the video editor within Canvas. It is a workaround method, as currently there is no way to access the video editor directly. Using the video editor, you are able to cut and trim videos, add images and narration, include title slides and publish directly to Canvas. DigiGuide
Case study Hybrid learning: Using continuous assessment, team competition and digital badging to drive student engagement, develop good study practices and early professional and employability skills Explore how varied groupwork tasks structured throughout this hybrid-delivered undergraduate module on the Accounting & Finance programme, with elements of game-based learning including team competitions and the awarding of digital badges, that drives engagement, helps students to develop good study practices and graduate employability skills. Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Case study
Spotlight guide Using Games in Teaching The benefit of using ‘games’ as a teaching tool results from their diversity. There are many viewpoints about what constitutes a game, but broadly speaking play shifts into game when a rule-set is introduced or when it develops a purpose. Games can be paper-based, utilise a board, be physical, or digital, using consoles, mobile phones and pre-existing elements, like video games. This variety affords the ultimate flexibility in how we can incorporate games into teaching. Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Case study Decolonising the Curriculum - What does it mean to you? The Centre for Innovation in Education celebrates BAME people during Black History Month and beyond by creating an interactive podcast that aims to gather the collective voices on the definition of decolonising the curriculum. || Speaker: Dr Monica Chavez Munoz - 19 October 2020 | 7 minutes Case study
Spotlight guide Enhancing the Curricula with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals This guide introduces the benefits, ideas and issues associated with the application of the UN’s sustainable development goals into learning and teaching. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide An introduction to Education for Sustainable Development This guide introduces the key concepts and learning and teaching practices associated with developing students’ knowledge, skills, values and capabilities to engage with complex real-world sustainable development problems. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Webinars: Webcams off or on? As we teach more online synchronous learning, the debate about whether we ask students to turn on their webcams has flourished. Overall, most experts agree that students should not be required to activate their cameras. We need to consider the diverse circumstances of students and respect their choices. However, encouraging (rather than requiring) cameras may be beneficial, so help your students understand that turning on their cameras (where they feel able to do so safely) may benefit fellow students and build their sense of community with others. Inclusivity Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Spotlight guide
DigiGuide Synchronous Online Seminars: Student Experience and Engagement Considerations This guide provides an overview to the student experience and engagement considerations associated with creating and facilitating synchronous online seminars. The guide outlines benefits, challenges, practice suggestions, links to national student engagement research and associated CIE online staff guides. The guide will also be relevant to other non-lecture interaction online teaching sessions. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Guide to Recording a Podcast This guide is created by the Digital Resources Team to help you create a good podcast. It can help you structure your podcast and offers best practice as well as likely challenges you may encounter. DigiGuide
Spotlight guide Online Synchronous Teaching Synchronous teaching is where the teacher is present at the same time as the learners. Synchronous delivery is beneficial when there is a need for teaching presence, such as live discussion and interaction. Delivering entirely synchronously, can limit flexibility (Flaherty, 2020), allowing little room to vary the pace of learning. Include a mix of synchronous and asynchronous teaching in an online model and only use synchronous sessions when there is a need for it, however care must be taken to not reduce scheduled contact hours (Havergal, 2020). Digital fluency Active learning Spotlight guide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 2 - the one with Lego In Episode 2, our guests share their lightbulb moments, including getting students to 'take' feedback, the importance of reflection, using play for conceptual understanding with Lego and ways of engaging environmental science students with hydrology. We also hear how the coronavirus pandemic has encouraged creativity when preparing for Hybrid Active Learning and socially distanced teaching. || Speakers: Dr Kathryn Fox, Dr Helen Vaughan, Dr James Cooper, Dr Matthew Fitzjohn - 28 September 2020 | 1 hour 1 minute Case study
DigiGuide Transitioning from Vital to Canvas We talk to our four invited guest lecturers from around the University about how they have found the transition from Vital to Canvas. Discussing what they love about Canvas, could not do without and what hiccups they have encountered on their journey so far... || Speakers: Dr Laura Corner, Dr Andy Bates, Dr Freya Jarman and Dr Gary Brown - 03 November 2020 | 50 minutes DigiGuide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 3 - the one with all the Ms In Episode 3, an episode of Ms, Mathew, Matt and Katherine share various student-centred and collaborative learning inspired lightbulb moments and teaching props. || Speakers: Dr Katherine Whitehurst, Dr Matt Murphy and Mathew Flynn - 30 November 2020 | 35 minutes Case study
Case study A celebration of resilience – how does an undergraduate programme adapt amidst a global pandemic? In this episode we are joined by two guests from the University of Liverpool Nursing department. We catch up on how they have been coping continuing to run a programme in the midst of a global pandemic. || Speakers: Claire Walker and Helen Marshall - 17 December 2020 | 47 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 4 - the one with the real Treasure Island In Episode 4, we discussed the challenges and opportunities of doing role-play, group discussions in an online Covid setting and bartered teaching ideas and also had a special mention of the original Treasure Island. || Speakers: Dr Marieke Riethof, Chris Barlow, Jennifer Klunder-Rosser and Dr Joel Haddley - 03 December 2020 | 41 minutes Case study
DigiGuide Creating and Uploading Multimedia Content The aim of this short article is to highlight several techniques for recording content in the simplest and most reliable way. DigiGuide
Toolkit Decolonising the Curriculum Toolkit Drawing on the SOAS Decolonising Learning & Teaching Toolkit and work by University of Liverpool students and staff, this toolkit offers a reflective self-evaluation tool complemented by a growing collection of highly practical resources to help you decolonise your curriculum. Toolkit
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 5 - the one with the coconut In Episode 5, our guests highlight the need to be experimental and take our learners out of their comfort zone into a creative, safe space where they can learn and discover both the passion for and the science of teaching. || Speakers: Ashwini Datt, Danielle Hinton, Jenni Carr and Natasha Taylor - 16 March 2021 | 47 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 6 - the one with the hot air balloon In Episode 6, rule breaking, disruption and connectedness were shared themes between our guests and their Treasure Island Pedagogies. Our guests also challenged us to look beyond the bright side of pedagogies into their ‘shadowy siblings’. || Speakers: Prof Nicola Whitton, Rikke Toft Nørgård, Simon Thomson and William Carey - 29 March 2021 | 1 hour 5 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 7 - the one with the ukulele In Episode 7, learning is slow-burning, it takes time to nurture and it is great when it all comes together at the end. Our guests also discuss the potential of multimodal learning, through visual imagery, doodling, sketching or drawing. || Speakers: Dr Louise Drumm, Dr Michael Flavin, Dr Michael Kozakowski and Dr Vicki Dale - 27 April 2021 | 39 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 8 - the one with the Tunnocks tea cakes In Episode 8, so much covered by our guests: open education, involving students as partners in our initiatives, the revival of audio to have meaningful and human connections with students and more. || Speakers: Alex Spiers, Dr Erika Smith and Jessica Humphreys - 29 April 2021 | 38 minutes Case study
DigiGuide Getting Started guide to Canvas for External Examiners CIE have prepared a Canvas user guide for External Examiners at the University, orientated around the types of activity that External Examiners need to carry out with the ‘UoL External Examiner’ role within Canvas course spaces. DigiGuide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 9 - the one with the tree house In Episode 9, ungrading, threshold concepts, the Balloon Academy - lots of pedagogies and lightbulb moments resonated in today’s discussion. A common theme was linking learning to anything to do with moving and making. || Speakers: Dr Alice Kim, Dr Ingeborg van Knippenberg, Dr Nathalie Tasler and Dr Virna Rossi - 21 June 2021 | 44 minutes Case study
DigiGuide Fun Student Activities This document introduces you to a range of activities which students can engage with, that are designed to nurture and develop students’ sense of belonging and cohort cohesion. These activities are designed to embed a ‘fun’ element into early student learning and engagement in informal settings, and most activities listed can be implemented in an online or face-to-face environment. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Designing and facilitating an engaging online synchronous session Adopting an online approach for the first time can seem a daunting task. It is a good idea to try to plan lessons with your colleagues and adopt a pedagogy that aligns with your lessons aims. DigiGuide
Spotlight guide Learning Communities Learning communities have been identified as a great strategy to support students in the academic, social and emotional spheres of the student experience in HE (Zhao & Kuh, 2004; Lenning and Ebbers, 1999). Learning communities can be built around the curriculum, a programme or module, or a particular need (Lenning & Ebbers, 1999). For example, the course-based learning community for supporting international students by Schmidt and Miller (2009). Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Case study Environmental Planning and Management Project: Client led Group Projects This case study focuses on a module that facilitates learning through the process of environmental consultancy. Students gather evidence and relate this to their practice of contextualising and formulating solutions to real-world environmental problems. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study CIE Connect: Episode 1 In this episode special guest, Stuart Waddington joins us. Stuart is the Managing Director and founder of Star Development UK and host of the #leadership; what’s on your mind podcast where guests discuss their leadership perspectives... || Speaker: Stuart Waddington - 26 August 2021 | 46 minutes Case study
DigiGuide Beginner's Guide to Audacity This document is a guide to the basic functions of Audacity. You can get further information on these functions or more advanced options from Audacity’s website including Manuals, FAQs and Wikis. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Introduction to New Analytics This is a step-by-step guide to understanding and using the New Analytics tool in Canvas. As well as developing your analytics skills, there is also information on how New Analytics can be integrated into your teaching approach. DigiGuide
Case study Taking the Pre-Sessional English courses entirely online during a global pandemic This case study focuses on the development and implementation processes of taking the Pre-Sessional English courses online. Digital fluency Case study
DIY guide Designing Peer Learning Groups and Activities Well-designed peer learning can offer a number of benefits to students, including academic attainment, building cooperative relationships with others, valuing diversity and exploring diverse perspectives (Topping et al, 2017). DIY guide
DigiGuide SpeedGrader in the Canvas Teacher app - Stylus digital ink and other tools to help with feedback and assignment handling Members of staff at the University are finding that the Canvas Teacher app can be a particularly useful tool for assignment grading and handling through SpeedGrader. A touch interface has been seen to provide a streamlined grading platform with stylus digital inking providing opportunities for varied formats of feedback. This resource provides an outline of benefits and getting started guide for staff. DigiGuide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 10 - the one with the cookbooks In Episode 10, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion touched on various creative collaborative solving approaches with students with our luxury items making sure we will have a great time on the Treasure Island. || Speakers: Emily Chapman-Waterhouse, Emma Davenport, Dr Gulnaz Aksenova and Charles Wachira - 06 September 2021 | 37 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 11 - the one with the Snake Handler In Episode 11, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion touched on some of the ingredients that can make learning happen, from nurturing deep emotional connections, through facilitating difficult discussions (‘Pedagogies of Discomfort’) to cognitive dissonance. || Speakers: Dr Camille Dickson-Deane, Dr Becca Ferrari and Nokuthula Vilakati - 14 September 2021 | 38 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 12 - the one with the Mushrooms In Episode 12, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies, props and luxury items, our discussion rowed forwards, backwards, in full circles and spirals. We touched upon student-centred learning, authentic assessment, the concept of expansive learning, respect, the idea of learning with and from our students. We also observed that sharing knitting patterns as a communal activity is akin to the act of sharing and comparing our individual teaching practice. || Speakers: Dr Celia Popovic, Dr Phillip Moffitt and Dr Richard Osborne - 04 October 2021 | 51 Minutes Case study
DIY guide Curriculum Design Philosophy The overarching curriculum design philosophy underpinning our quality enhancement processes at the University of Liverpool is ‘Constructive Alignment’. DIY guide
Case study Non-Linear Micro-Learning Self-paced module design for inclusion and engagement. Inclusivity Global citizenship Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 13 - the one with the GIFs In Episode 13, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion veered from gradually lit-up to disco lightbulb moments, from simulation-based learning through to the role of debate, photo voice and the skills of using gifs. || Speakers: Ruth Smith, Dr Zoe Hurley and Dr Johannes Wheeldon - 21 October 2021 | 42 Minutes Case study
DigiGuide Embed a live session recording into Canvas In this short guide, we will show you how to embed your Microsoft Teams or Zoom meeting recordings into a Canvas page. DigiGuide
Spotlight guide Decolonising: Surfacing the Hidden Curriculum The ‘hidden curriculum’ encompasses a range of implicit norms, values, beliefs and practices within academic life (Giroux and Penna, 1979:22). Educators are often immersed in their academic culture without realising that students may not share that culture and face invisible barriers to success. The hidden curriculum can affect both students’ sense of belonging and their knowledge of the conditions needed for success (Hubbard, 2020). Inclusivity Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 14 - the one with the kai In Episode 14, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion featured Māori, Confucian and Arabic traditions and contexts, the focus on the whole person and creating the right environment for learning, including the importance of rituals that facilitate flexible and informal learning, such as through ‘kai’ (food) time. || Speakers: Jaye McIsaac, Dr Shazia Iqbal & Charlie Reis - 23 November 2021 | 49 Minutes Case study
Spotlight guide Authentic Assessment: Infographic Infographic explaining Authentic Assessment in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Capstone Projects: Infographic Infographic explaining Capstone Research and Enquiry Projects in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Cultural Integration: Infographic Infographic explaining Cultural Integration of Home and Overseas Students in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Digital Fluency: Infographic Infographic explaining Digital Fluency in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Digital Storytelling: Infographic Infographic explaining Digital Storytelling in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Enquiry Based Learning: Infographic Infographic explaining Enquiry Based Learning in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Formative Assessment: Infographic Infographic explaining Formative Assessment in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Fostering Graduate Confidence: Infographic Infographic explaining Fostering Graduate Confidence in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Inclusive Curriculum: Infographic Infographic explaining Inclusive Curriculum in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Multi-Cultural Group Work: Infographic Infographic explaining Multi-Cultural Group Work in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
DigiGuide Office 365 in Education: Infographic Infographic explaining Office 365 in Education in a short and concise way. DigiGuide
Spotlight guide Peer Assisted Learning: Infographic Infographic explaining Peer Assisted Learning in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Spotlight guide Student-Staff Partnership: Infographic Infographic explaining Student-Staff Partnership in a short and concise way. Spotlight guide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 15 - the one with Winnie-the-Pooh In Episode 15, our guests’ lightbulb moments included ways of facilitating learning through questioning, good learning design, our boat of treasure island pedagogies/props carries items including bottles of confidence, constructive alignment, De Bono’s thinking hats and characters from Winnie-the-Pooh. || Speakers: Dr Eli Saetnan, Professor Fiona Smart & Tim Neumann - 06 December 2021 | 51 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 16 - the one with the knots In Episode 16, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, we talked about being responsive to our students’ needs, and going back to basics if need be, the pedagogy of kindness, the role of lectures and the importance of listening as part of the learning process. || Speakers: Dr Dawne Irving-Bell, Dr Gary Brown, Sue Beckingham & Dr Tania Dias Fonseca - 10 January 2022 | 53 minutes Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 17 - the one with the Play-Doh In Episode 17, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion covered lots of areas from design thinking, slow thinking, creativity, self-determined learning and sustainability. || Speakers: Allie Johns, Dr Emma Gillaspy, Dr Mikkel Godsk & Mossen Randeree - 14 February 2022 | 59 minutes Case study
DigiGuide Making Polling Tools a Safe Environment Although using technologies such as polling tools for synchronous interaction and active learning in the classroom can enhance the student learning experience, there are also considerations to be made for the rare occurrence of student misuse within these tools. This guide provides an overview of what to be aware of when using polling tools, specifically the institutionally supported tool Poll Everywhere. You will also learn about how moderation and profanity filters can be deployed, along with strategies to minimise misuse and an overview of institutional policies and guidance relating to misuse and misconduct. DigiGuide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 18 - the one with the podcasts In Episode 18, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion ranged from the importance of supporting students holistically, the value of blended learning, podcasts as versatile pedagogies, OERs, Self Organised Learning Environments (SOLE) and online engagement frameworks. || Speakers: Dr Alex Owen, Karen Ferreira-Meyers, Mary Jacob & Dr James Stanfield - 14 March 2022 | 39 Minutes Case study
DigiGuide Originality Checking in Canvas Speedgrader In this short Digiguide you will be introduced to originality checking in Canvas’ Speedgrader interface with the Turnitin plugin. Suggestions will be made for how to use the tool in both Summative and Formative assessment situations. DigiGuide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 19 - the one with the treasure hunt In Episode 19, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our islands have included micro-learning, trauma-informed pedagogy, authentic learning, simulation, portfolio-based dissertations and the importance of creating social spaces for students to open the door fully to their learning potential. || Speakers: Dr Gemma Ahearne, Dr Treasa Kearney, Johnny Lee & Marcus Pedersen - 28 March 2022 | 46 Minutes Case study
DigiGuide Hybrid Active Learning Pathways The Hybrid Active Learning Pathways capture visually some potential learning designs as to how you might adapt your practice to new modes of delivery that enables flexibility for your students, defined for different digital scenarios: lectures, small group work, tutorials and lab work together. DigiGuide
DigiGuide Considerations for a HyFlex Teaching Approach "The hybrid flexible, or HyFlex, course format is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online. Students can decide for each class or activity how to participate.” (© 2020 EDUCAUSE) DigiGuide
DigiGuide Introduction to Microsoft Sway Sway is a Microsoft Office 365 app that makes it easy for us to create and share your learning and teaching needs. DigiGuide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 20 - the one with the kettle and the mug In Episode 20, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our islands have included adjusting our teaching to work-based learning, the importance of tea breaks in the staff room, getting students to use their curiosity to construct research problems, mental shortcuts for research projects to agile stationery and co-creating a shared dictionary for teaching. || Speakers: Dr Christopher Edmonds, Dr Elizabeth Hidson, Dr Gary Fisher & Pip McDonald - 23 May 2022 | 47 Minutes Case study
DIY guide Designing Inclusive and Accessible Assessments Designing accessibly allows all students to engage with challenging, motivating, more personalised assessments. This guide explains how to create accessible assessments that minimise the need for bespoke reasonable adjustments, supporting an accessible assessment environment for all students, including students with disabilities (Equality Act, 2010). DIY guide
Case study Slivers of Silver: Use of Step-by-Step Videos to Enhance Student Understanding of Laboratory Practicals Dr Ian Copple a senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool, shares an insight of a strategy he's used to adapt his teaching in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and how he thinks the continued use of this approach can help to enhance the student experience in years to come. He received a Learning and Teaching Fellowship in 2020 for this. Case study
Case study Slivers of Silver: Significant Impact of the Use of Digital Scenarios for Learning Remotely Carol Duggan a student of Psychology from the University of Liverpool speaks about her experience of trying new digital spaces for learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Case study
Case study Slivers of Silver: Simulated Patient Cases as a Clinical Replacement Activity for Undergraduate Dental Students Jonathan Marsden from the School of Dentistry at the University of Liverpool, speaks on behalf of a team of people about the use of "simulated patient cases" as a clinical replacement activity for undergraduate dental students. The aims of the activity was to create a framework that would engage students in hybrid active learning to develop and apply their clinical skills in the absence of patient contact. Case study
Case study Slivers of Silver: Creating a Menu for Recorded Lectures in Hybrid Teaching Dr Naser Sedghi a lecturer at The University of Liverpool, explains his practice and method for teaching remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular his use of Storyline 360 to create a menu for the recorded lecture videos. Case study
Case study Slivers of Silver: Developing Students' Digital Fluency and Employability at Scale Through Authentic Assessment This video showcases how Gemma and Jennifer worked together to re-develop an employability assessment within an entire school compulsory module for second year life sciences students. This was during the pandemic when teaching was moved completely off campus and their aim was to develop students digital fluency and employability at scale in order to prepare students for a graduate labour market where commercial awareness is highly valued by employers and virtual recruitment is here to stay. Case study
Case study Slivers of Silver: Bridging Staff-student Partnership Through Multimodal Assessment In this video, Dr Raheela Awais, lecturer at the School of Life Sciences at the University of Liverpool, shows a creative and engaging approach for students switching from traditional assessment to a multimodal assessment. Case study
Case study Slivers of Silver: Our experiences on a Year 3 Psychology module, PSYC344 Historically, interactive debates based on four current controversies in gerontology happened within lectures. Interactive element in lecture theatres was limited by the nature of the learning environment. As teaching was forced online, these debates were moved onto Zoom. Used breakout rooms with small groups of students to debate the topics and brought back into main room for discursive plenary. Debates worked much better on zoom and module evaluation feedback indicates that new debate format is highlight of the module for students enrolled. Case study
Case study Peer evaluation of groupwork with Canvas and Buddycheck on a practical Life Sciences module In this video, Dr Andy Bates shares how he uses Buddycheck to prompt students to feedback and reflect upon contribution towards groupwork tasks by themselves and their peers, to make assessment fairer, increase engagement, and develop teamwork skills. Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 21 - the one with the clown In Episode 21, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our islands included student-organised conferences, starting learning NOT at the start, getting students to practise assessment of exemplars, authentic learning, branching scenarios, discussion around in-class polling and the importance of having fun whilst learning. || Speakers: Rachel Crookes, Dr Stephany Veuger, Dr. Gustavo Espinoza-Ramos & Matthew Tickle - 27 June 2022 | 46 Minutes Case study
On demand An Introduction to Digital Tools for Education This course will help you reflect on the role various forms of digital education tools can play in the design and delivery of teaching and learning and how you can engage these tools in your own practice. You will become skilled in some of the digital education tools used in higher education, as well as understand how to use the tools whilst being mindful of appropriate pedagogical approaches and processes. On demand
On demand An Introduction to Canvas Studio Introduction to Canvas Studio explores the tools and functions of the Canvas Studio multimedia platform. Within Studio, users can record, host, edit and share multimedia content, as well as integrate automatically generated captions, quizzes, and multimedia analytics. Throughout this course, we provide general guidance on the creation of digital content in the form of guides, video walkthroughs and signposting to further resources. On demand
On demand Education for Sustainable Development This course will help you explore the core concepts and practices that underpin Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - a key university and higher education sector project to enhance our students abilities to engage with complex real-world sustainable development problems. Resources, practice examples and activities have been divided into two sections for staff that are either new to ESD, or for staff that currently include sustainability in their teaching. Links to additional ESD support resources (toolkits, staff networks, workshops, student resources) are provided. On demand
DigiGuide Guidance for inclusive and accessible synchronous presentations using Zoom and/or Microsoft Teams We all have a legal and moral responsibility under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that documents, leaflets and electronic resources are provided in a format which is accessible for disabled people to read and use including, for example, those with a visual impairment, hearing impairment and dyslexia. DigiGuide
Case study Approaches for using Peer Review for Evaluation of Groupwork on large cohort modules In this video, Dr Denise Preece gives an insight into how she embeds a peer review process in her modules to enable students to feedback and learn from their groupwork experiences. Global citizenship Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
DigiGuide Using Blackboard Ally Blackboard Ally is a useful add-on for ensuring the content in your Canvas course is accessible to all students and staff who access your course area. In this guide we will explore what Blackboard Ally is, how to generate reports about the accessibility of your course and, finally, how to fix any problems that Ally finds. DigiGuide
Case study Supporting mental wellbeing remotely with a 3D immersive virtual reality environment This case study shows how a virtual reality tropical beach environment can help support mental wellbeing for students on remote placements. Inclusivity Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Case study
DIY guide Support for NSS Areas This document provides a comprehensive overview of the support available to colleagues across the University as we collectively address the outcomes of the NSS by The Academy and CIE. Each section maps an area of NSS and signposts to available resources, workshops, programmes and networks. While a wide range of key activities are included, the list is not exhaustive and colleagues are encouraged to contact The Academy and CIE to discuss any specific requirements. DIY guide
DigiGuide Enabling Live PowerPoint Slide Translation and Automatic Translated Captions In this quick DigiGuide, learn how to automatically translate written and spoken content when delivering PowerPoint presentations to live online classes or meetings. Students are quickly able to select the language your content is delivered in. DigiGuide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 22 - the one with the card game In Episode 22, our lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, included getting students engaged in cases that use personal connections, storytelling, card games where students can overwrite the rules and taking a course/programme-level approach to formative assessment; coming full circle back to campfires to tell, read and create stories that sustain us. || Speakers: Sivapriya Ramakrishnan, Dr Laura Mitchell & Lorna Mitchell - 21 November 2022 | 45 Minutes Case study
Spotlight guide Fair and Student-Friendly Marking Criteria Providing clear, precise and fair marking criteria is crucial to establishing students’ understanding of the parameters of their assessments, and are essential to help guide their completion of the assignment. Marking criteria are at their best when they are written in readable language, are communicated clearly to the students well in advance of the assessment’s submission, and are fairly and clearly applied in marking process. Inclusivity Research-connected teaching Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Tool or Template Decolonising the Curriculum - Reflective Self-Evaluation Tool This tool aims to help you reflect on what you are already doing to decolonise your curriculum and to identify areas with potential for further enhancement. Tool or Template
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 23 - The One With The Magic Box In Episode 23, our lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, included team roles and skills, allowable weaknesses, facilitating students to ask their own questions, using creativity and playfulness, online collaboration tools as well as using cameras for reflection, and bringing a magic box full of surprises to inspire new connections for learning. Speakers: Dr Jennifer Johnson, Amy Sampson and Rachelle O’Brien - 21 November 2022 | 45 Minutes Case study
Spotlight guide Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) Technology Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) technology provides textual, visual or audio content based on simple user prompts. The technology can create content, paraphrase or explain concepts behind existing material, use different voices or personas, and even code programs. Examples include Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) apps such as OpenAI’s ‘ChatGPT’, Google’s ‘Bard’, and the AI-chat function of Microsoft’s ‘Bing’, or DALL-E apps that create visual content. Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Spotlight guide
Tool or Template Group Work Contract By discussing and agreeing a group work contract, students can improve their chances of working in a fair, equitable and productive group together. A contract can help students to clarify and agree group protocols, which in turn reduces problems created in groups where members may have differing assumptions, expectations and practices. Tool or Template
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 24 - The One With The Death Penalty In Episode 24, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion included getting students to examine and debate issues, concepts from different perspectives to develop their criticality and nurture inclusivity in our classrooms, using playful learning or technologies in creative ways to the importance of physical exercise for a healthy body and mind. Speakers: Dr. Denise Preece, Roger Saunders and Professor David Webster - 13th March 2023 | 50 Minutes Case study
Tool or Template The Inclusive Curriculum Tool The Inclusive Curriculum Tool is a reflective self-evaluation tool which can support you to gain an overview of the inclusivity of your module or programme-component. This includes: understanding what an inclusive curriculum looks like in practice, considering elements of inclusivity in your module/programme-component, and identifying elements of inclusivity you wish to prioritise. It can also be used to create a programme-level overview of inclusivity. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Peer Evaluation with Buddycheck - Student Explainer Communicating clearly with students about why and how peer evaluation is being used to support their learning is an important way to encourage buy-in and confidence with the process, helping student to get the most out of the learning experience, and helping the evaluation to run more smoothly. Tool or Template
Toolkit Assessment and Feedback Toolkit This toolkit offers you a range of ready-made, user-friendly and adaptable tools to help you design and implement varied, inclusive and authentic assessment. Explore the growing number of tools and find short-cuts to enhancing both your students’ and your own experience of assessment and feedback. Toolkit
Tool or Template Assessment Fundamentals Crib Sheet A document that outlines some definitions of some key concepts within assessment and feedback: reliability, validity, transparency, manageability and authenticity. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Assessments Module Handbook Template Text A template to construct descriptions of assessments and their submission/completion guidelines for inclusion on Canvas pages and/or within module handbooks. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Assessment Type Catalogue A blank template catalogue document for departments, schools or even individual lecturers to record all of the assessment types in use on the modules and/or across the entire programme on which they teach. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Comparison of Grade Descriptors According to Assessment Types A table of grade descriptors at Level 6 for each of the assessment types to allow tutors to compare the descriptors. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Developing an Authentic Assessment Audit (Word/Accessible version) A tool designed to rate a new/existing assessment against 9 different ‘dimensions’ of ‘authenticity’ and evaluate measures that may be undertaken to take to improve any authentic aspect of an assessment. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Developing an Authentic Assessment Audit (Excel version) A tool designed to rate a new/existing assessment against 9 different ‘dimensions’ of ‘authenticity’ and evaluate measures that may be undertaken to take to improve any authentic aspect of an assessment. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Exit Ticket Emoji Activity A set of cards each with a different emoji on it, designed to help students to provide immediate formative feedback to tutors on how they are feeling about particular topics, sessions, modules, assessments, etc. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Generic Marking Criteria by Assessment Type (Undergraduate) An organised list of generic marking criteria that are organised across the common criterion areas usually assessed, and within each assessment type. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Generic Marking Criteria by Level An organised list of generic marking criteria that are organised across the common criterion areas usually assessed, and then organised into the different levels that appear across HE (with the exception of Level 8). Tool or Template
Tool or Template Postgraduate Rubric Template for Turnitin An Excel spreadsheet that can be used as templates to write a rubric outside of Turnitin and then export it into the system (PG). Tool or Template
Tool or Template Undergraduate Rubric Template for Turnitin An Excel spreadsheet that can be used as templates to write a rubric outside of Turnitin and then export it into the system (UG). Tool or Template
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 25 - The One With The Jewellery Fraud In Episode 25, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion included the value of incorporating creativity and reflection into teaching practices, encouraging a lighter and more lighthearted approach to learning, the value of incorporating arts and crafts to engage others as well as the concept of a time machine to slow down time, enabling teachers to teach effectively while incorporating enjoyable and interactive elements. Speakers: Nokuthula Tlalajoe-Mokhatla, Lisa Weaver and Charlotte Stevens - 13th March 2023 | 50 Minutes Case study
Case study Synchronous student co-design of a second-year core module in history Student participation and engagement in module design in history, designed to help embed both transferable and disciplinary skills for future educational contexts and simultaneously improve the curriculum. Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Using MatLab Grader for assessment analytics, automated grading and improving coding literacy in engineering students Assessment analytics used to amend assessment processes to ultimately improve students’ digital, computational and programming skills. Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Enhancing and embedding digital fluency in the curriculum through Adobe Creative Cloud Unlocking digital fluency: how Adobe Creative Cloud is revolutionising active learning and authentic assessment in the curriculum. Digital fluency Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Enhancing Class Communication and Engagement with Catchbox Using innovative technology to foster inclusive, dialogic classrooms. Inclusivity Confidence Active learning Case study
DIY guide NSS Support Resources from the Centre for Innovation in Education This resource provides an overview to the support and resources that CIE can offer to support the National Student Survey NSS. DIY guide
DIY guide Teaching sensitive topics and dealing with emotionally charged content Which topics are considered ‘sensitive’ can be subjective, but those that often come to mind include race and ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexuality, physical appearance, disability, socioeconomic status, politics, religion, genetic testing, evolution, immigration, grief, loss, trauma, as well as others. Teaching sensitive topics can sometimes be foreseen based on the curriculum, but at other times students can raise points that take educators by surprise. National and world events can also sometimes encroach onto a curriculum in unexpected ways and educators must be prepared for the effects this will have on their teaching. DIY guide
DIY guide Calculating Student Assessment Workloads and Equivalences A guide to help you design assessments whose length or scope are appropriate to the level and credit hours of your module and also consistent with assessment across the programme. DIY guide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 26 - The one with the story, paper, scissors In Episode 26, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion explored how we can get scientists to engage in less linear, creative thinking, getting students to interact directly with artefacts, engage them in peer-to-peer feedback, reflective learning, and the importance of struggle in the process of learning. Speakers: Carys Watts, Evan Dickerson, Rebecca Wakelin 20 November 2023 | 49 Minutes Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 27 - The one with the kiss of blood In Episode 27, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion evoked an environment where students exercise agency and confidence to explore new ideas through experiments, metaphorical imagery, gamification and where students are guided through complex threshold concepts with a range of exciting and fun pedagogies drawing on active learning, collaboration and peer learning Speakers: Jen McBride,Tim Hinchcliffe, David Roberts 06 December 2023 | 60 Minutes Confidence Active learning Case study
Tool or Template Assessment Literacy Snapper Tool This tool provides a template for a ‘snapper’ – a game often played in primary and seconday schools – themed around assessment and feedback. The snapper provides space to enter your individual marking criteria, which students can then discuss after ‘finding them’ by playing the snapper itself. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Blooms Taxonomy Tool: Assessment Ideas This tool provides examples of different assessment ideas themed around the different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, ranging from ‘Knowledge’ all the way up to ‘Synthesis’. There are also spaces to enter your own assessment types as you see fit. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Blooms Taxonomy Tool: Outcome Verbs This tool provides examples of active verbs to be used in Learning Outcomes, aligned to the different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, ranging from ‘Knowledge’ to ‘Synthesis’. Use this tool to help level your Outcomes appropriately. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Bridging Feedback and Action Tool This tool provides a model to help you ensure that your students are making active use of the feedback that you are giving them. It provides a space for you to evaluate your assessment processes at all stages, to ensure that every opportunity for feedback engagement is taken. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Cards Against Feedback This tool provides resources to play a game of ‘Cards Against Feedback’ with students, where students discuss the best responses to given feedback situations. This is designed to help them best understand active feedback engagement. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Feedback Terms Glossary Tool This tool provides a template for you to enter common terms students might find in their feedback and clarify their definitions or contexts ahead of producing the feedback itself. Students can be provided with this glossary to prevent confusion over esoteric or complex terms that they might encounter. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Likert Rubric Template A template for a Likert-style rubric, where marks are allocated on a sliding scale from highest to lowest level of complexity or sophistication, rather than individually described across all of the grade boundaries. Tool or Template
Toolkit Inclusive Curriculum Toolkit This toolkit aims to support you to implement the Core Value of Inclusivity within the Liverpool Curriculum Framework. Also, to implement requirements of revised QAA Subject Benchmark Statements, and Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies, as they relate to Equality, Diversity and inclusion. Toolkit
Tool or Template Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan A document to support staff in creating a equality, diversity and inclusion action plan and identifying areas for improvement within the curriculum. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Guide for facilitating difficult conversations A document that supports staff to navigate difficult conversations with students that may arise in a planned setting or sporadically. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Student Support Flow Chart A template that can be tailored to each department and included in PowerPoints that directs students to the right place for different types of help and support. Tool or Template
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 28 - The one with the m&ms In Episode 28, our discussion of lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items delved into the power of narrative and stories in capturing students' attention, the anxiety both educators and learners face, role-play and embodied learning, underscoring the importance of empathy, creating a conducive, safe learning environment with a holistic development of head, heart, and hands in education. Speakers: Aga Buckley, Chris Mitchell, Graham Easton 18 December 2023 | 49 Minutes Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
DIY guide Peer Evaluation with Buddycheck Buddycheck is a peer evaluation tool used to help support groupwork including the assessment of groupwork. This DIY Guide presents a number of resources that you can use for a successful implementation of Buddycheck. DIY guide
Tool or Template Peer Evaluation Student-Facing Support Materials Reusable materials developed to help students improve their groupwork experience and introduce Buddycheck/Peer Evaluation in a fun and student-orientated way. Tool or Template
DIY guide Peer Evaluation Peer evaluation is defined as “a communication process through which learners enter into dialogues related to performance and standards” (Liu and Carless 2016), where Sadler (2010) argues that we should “Provide students with substantial evaluative experience not as an extra but as a strategic part of the teaching design”. DIY guide
DigiGuide Buddycheck Peer Evaluation Buddycheck is a peer evaluation tool used to help support groupwork, including the assessment of groupwork. This digiguide provides technical and pedagogical guidance to instructors who are looking to deploy and administer Buddycheck peer evaluations. DigiGuide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 29 - The one with the collabetition In Episode 29, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion covers gamification for learning as well as the use of laser pointers, a self-created AGILE tool for reflection and the technique called Creative Enquiry Methodologies. Speakers: Karen Clinkard, Louise Younie, Russell Crawford 15 January 2024 | 48 Minutes Research-connected teaching Confidence Active learning Case study
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 30 - The one with the Hippopotamus In Episode 30, in addition to lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, our discussion focused on gaining skills during the student journey, from critical data literacies through to presentation skills and problem-solving as well as interdisciplinary and problem-based learning and open pedagogies. Speakers: Edmund Horowicz, Javiera Atenas, Nayiri Keshishi 29 January 2024 | 45 Minutes Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study
Toolkit Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit This toolkit offers you a range of ready-made, user-friendly and adaptable tools to help you design and implement Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within your teaching. Toolkit
Tool or Template ESD Programme Design Review Questions A set of programme level review questions for the incorporation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into the design of new programmes, or the re-design of existing programmes. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Example Learning Outcomes Aligned with Competencies for Sustainable Development Example learning outcomes aligned to sustainability competencies that can be adapted to design new programme, module or course component learning outcomes. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Example Learning Outcomes Aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Example learning outcomes aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals that can be adapted to design new programme, module or course component learning outcomes. Tool or Template
Tool or Template ESD Mapping Tool and Guidance This zipped group of documents includes an Excel spreadsheet tool to assist in the mapping of ESD within programmes and modules, and examples from a series of pilot projects with staff and students, and associated supporting documents. Tool or Template
DIY guide Carbon and Climate Literacy: Teaching Resources Carbon and climate literacy is an important topic for many subjects to embed into our learning and teaching to meet our Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and institutional net zero objectives. DIY guide
DIY guide UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): teaching resources Embedding resources on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provides global and local context for sustainability issues in learning and teaching. DIY guide
DIY guide Stimulus Activities: teaching resources Stimulus activities can include watching a video, multimedia, or looking at a photograph, poem or newspaper article or reference to a physical object to initiate discussion and reflection. Use of videos or externally-produced documents potentially enables the tutor to bring in a wide range of viewpoints for critical analysis, and this approach is feasible even with very large groups. DIY guide
DIY guide Systems Thinking: teaching resources Systems thinking enables students to explore complex sustainability issues through multiple perspectives, interconnections, influences, and the interrelationships between social, economic, and environmental factors. DIY guide
DIY guide Interdisciplinary learning for ESD: teaching resources To simulate the nature of many real-world sustainability issues, at times requires the application of an interdisciplinary approach to learning to support the development of student’s critical thinking, integrated-problem solving, collaboration, and communication in contexts they might experience on graduation. DIY guide
DIY guide Problem-centred learning for ESD: teaching resources Problem-centred learning provides opportunities that use real-world problems to increase student’s knowledge and understanding. Problem-centred learning is particularly suited to ill-defined, complex, multi-faceted sustainability issues ('wicked problems') that typically are not solved through simple problem solving. It provides a learning environment for creativity, risk-taking, and innovation for students. DIY guide
DIY guide Learn More About Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is concerned with providing students the knowledge and the ability to engage with sustainability challenges in the outside world. DIY guide
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 31 - The one with the students In Episode 31, we had a very special edition with four student guests who all shared their lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, which included career pathways, learning by way of teaching yourself, using generative AI, treasure hunts to connect theory with practice, physical objects, interactive polling and using discussion to aid learning. Tune in to hear more! Speakers: Sherley Admane, Qi Qi Saw, Sophie Gresty, Yousaf Ditta 11 March 2024 | 44 Minutes Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Case study
Tool or Template UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): template slides This template PowerPoint provides a set of UN Sustainable Development Goals related images and resources that you can adapt for your teaching. Tool or Template
Tool or Template Planning Formative Assessment Tasks A template that is designed to help with planning the use of formative assessment and feedback practices across a module, with specific activities mapped across the module’s lifespan and tangible connections made to summative assessments and learning outcomes. Tool or Template
Case study Treasure Island Pedagogies: Episode 32 - The one with the tarot cards IIn Episode 32, we shared lightbulb moments, treasure island pedagogies/props and luxury items, which included threshold concepts, students-becoming-teachers, professional identity development, team teaching, getting out of comfort zones, collective learning and a sense of movement and using Tarot cards for reflection. Speakers: Claire Stocks, Jennie Blake, Rhod Woodhouse 15 May 2024 | 55 Minutes Digital fluency Active learning Case study
Case study Bringing biological sounds to the classroom: 3D printing the creatures of the earth and the oceans Inter-disciplinary development of 3D printed models to enable the incorporation of active learning into bioacoustics and vibroacoustic teaching within the school of environmental sciences (SoES). Research-connected teaching Digital fluency Confidence Active learning Case study
DigiGuide Using AI detector to support personalised learning The use of an AI detector for identifying breaches of academic integrity often misidentify assistive technology use and non-native writing as cheating, causing issues for disabled and international students. Inclusivity DigiGuide
DigiGuide Tips for Video Production: Infographic This infographic breaks down the art of video production, step by step, for everyone, no matter the budget. Whether you're just brainstorming ideas, planning your shoot, or setting up lighting and cameras, these pro tips will have you creating videos like an expert. Dive in and discover how easy it is to become a video production master! DigiGuide
Case study Embedding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Year 1 Chemistry Curriculum This EDI-focused, assessed activity supports the development of EDI-competencies and awareness in students, in line with industry and QAA requirements. Its format is easily transferable to other disciplines. It is authentic and student-led, challenges preconceptions and allows self-reflection. Inclusivity Research-connected teaching Global citizenship Digital fluency Confidence Authentic assessment Active learning Case study