National Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023

National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW) ran from 18th – 21st September 2023, and provided an opportunity to celebrate the invaluable contributions that postdoctoral researchers make to the University’s research excellence, impact, community and culture.

NPAW 2023 Programme

NPAW 2023 events at the Unviersity of Liverpool aimed to help postdocs and all research staff gain more knowledge and understanding of how to make the most of their time at Liverpool, as well as reflect on their strengths and career plans. The events gave postdocs more ways to meet with peers and members of the Research Staff Association Steering Committee, both in-person and virtually, for further advice and guidance on the many resources available to the University’s research community.

Expand the drop-down menu below for the full NPAW 2023 programme at the University of Liverpool.

Appreciations for University of Liverpool postdocs

In 2023 we asked all staff and students across the University to share their appreciation of the postdocs they work with. These appreciations were shared with the postdoc community and across social media to highlight the value of postdocs to University life.

Expand the drop-down menu below for the appreciations that staff and students shared for 2023.

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NPAW 2023 Programme


Monday 18th September

Creating connections and rediscovering joy

UK-wide NPAW webinar with Dave Chawner, Prof Ian Sabroe and Dr Dieter Declercq on how to create collaborative environments, break preconceived ideologies, and rediscover the joy that drives us forward with what we do.

View the recording here.


Transparency: Enhancing Research through Reproducibility & Openness

University of Liverpool webinar with Dr Alice Howarth.

Postponed - view the recording of the rescheduled webinar here.

Tuesday 19th September

National Postdoc Conference

C-DICE and Loughborough University hosted the UKRSA/Vitae biennial National Postdoc Conference in 2023 as part of Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023.

View the conference recordings, visual summaries, virtual poster galley and more here.

How to craft a successful briefing to engage with a policy audience

Recording of University of Liverpool workshop led by Dr Tom Arnold, Heseltine Institute.

Watch the online resource here.

Wednesday 20th September

Focus on your career development with Prosper

Practical workshop led by Prosper's Dr Stefania Silvestri, demonstrating the Prosper portal and how is can be used by postdocs.

Thursday 21st September

NPAW23 - Help! They're asking for a Narrative CV

Interactive workshop open to all University of Liverpool and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine research staff, led by Dr Lydia Nicholson and Hannah Dutton, Research Development Facilitators in the Research and Partnerships team at the University of Liverpool.

Friday 22nd September

Pizza Solves Everything

Led by the University of Liverpool Research Staff Association, this was an interactive workshop and networking session focussed on interdisciplinary research collaborations.


Postdoc Appreciation Wall 2023

As part of National Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023, University of Liverpool students and staff shared their appreciations of postdocs below.

Download the accessible text version of all appreciations found on this page by clicking on the Wall of Appreciation quotes for NPAW 2023.

Card showing quote from Prof Anthony Hollander, PVC for Research and Impact

Card showing quote from Prof Georgina Endfield, APVC for the Research Environment and Postgraduate Research

Card showing quote from Prof Laura Harkness-Brennan, APVC for the Research & Impact for Science and Engineering

Card showing quote from Rodi for NPAW 2023

Card showing quote from Hinton Lab for Dr Blanca Perez Sepulveda

Card showing quote from Laura Beechey for Dr Caroline Mogan for NPAW 2023

Card showing quote from Mammalian Behaviour and Evolution group for Manuela Ferrari for NPAW 2023

Card from PC for Dr Oluwatobi Adegbite for NPAW 2023

Card showing quote from Prof Anna Slater for NPAW 2023