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Professional Activities

I have acted as external examiner for undergraduate programmes in Portuguese at over 15 universities in the UK, and have examined PhD theses in the UK and Brazil. I regularly review manuscripts for UK and US publishers, and for academic journals, and have been on the editorial board of several book series and academic journals, including the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. I have been a member of the AHRC's Peer Review College, and an honorary researcher at Monash University, Australia.

In the course of my Impact project "Cinema, Memory and Wellbeing" I worked with BUPA and MHA nursing and care homes, as well as those in the independent sector, and Petropolis city council in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. I am currently developing a collaborative project with National Museums Liverpool's House of Memories programme and other community partners across the Liverpool City Region who represent the local Chilean, Ukrainian and Yemeni communities.

Conference Roles

  • Invited speaker - research seminar, by Invitation (University of Leicester, 2018)
  • Plenary lecture - Intermedia Conference - The Moving Form of Film: Exploring Intermediality as a Historiographic Method, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (University of Reading, 2017)
  • Keynote address at annual conference, University of Sheffield, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (ABIL - Association of British and Irish Lusitanists, 2017)
  • Invited speaker - research seminar, by Invitation (King's College, London, 2017)
  • Invited speaker - research seminar, by Invitation (University College, Cork, 2017)
  • Invited conference paper - 'Transmediality in Latin American Cinema' conference, by Invitation (Bremen University, Germany, 2016)
  • 'Carmen Miranda and the New York World's Fair, 1939-41', by Invitation (University of Leeds, 2010)
  • Conversation with screenwriter Pedro Vicente, by Invitation (Brazil Institute, King's College, London, 2010)
  • Panel discussant and conversation with film director Karim Ainouz, by Invitation (Birkbeck College, University of London, 2009)
  • Brazilian and Portuguese Film and Politics in the Estado Novo symposium, by Invitation (University of Utrecht, 2009)
  • 'Re-creating Rio in Paris in the 1920s', by Invitation (University of Manchester, 2009)
  • Introductory lecture to film 'Madame Satã', by Invitation (Columbia University, New York, 2008)
  • Lecture: 'O que é que a baiana tem? Carmen Miranda, Josephine Baker and Brazilian Popular Song, by Invitation (Columbia University, New York, 2008)
  • Invitation to speak, by Invitation (University of Southampton, 2007)
  • Invited talk at JISLAC seminar on Brazil, by Invitation (University of Manchester, 2007)
  • Invited talk at JISLAC seminar, by Invitation (University of Portsmouth, 2007)
  • 'Stars and Ethnicity in Brazilian Popular Cinema, 1940-1960', by Invitation (University of Hull, 2007)
  • 'Performing Brazil on Screen in the 1950s: Music and Dance in the Chanchada', by Invitation (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007)
  • 'Stars and Stardom in Brazilian Cinema, 1930-1960', by Invitation (University of Birmingham, 2007)
  • 'The Chanchada and Audience Studies', by Invitation (British Academy - UK - Latin American/Caribbean Link Programme, 2007)
  • 'Carmen Santos (1904-1952) and Film Stardom in Brazil', by Invitation (University of Bristol, 2006)
  • Guest lecture on MA World Cinemas at University of Leeds, by Invitation (University of Leeds, 2006)
  • 'Representations of Ethnic Identity in Brazilian Film Comedies of the 1950s, by Invitation (University of Cambridge, Centre for Latin American Studies, 2006)


  • Manchester University Press (Occasional reader and reviewer)
  • Luso-Brazilian Review (Occasional reader and reviewer)
  • Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies (Reader and reviewer, 2012)
  • Oxford University Press (Manuscript reviewer, 2012 - present)
  • University of Virginia Press (Manuscript reviewer, 2010)
  • Portuguese Studies (Manuscript reviewer, 2009)
  • Bulletin of Latin American Research (Occasional reader and reviewer, 2008 - present)
  • Latin American Music Review (Regular Reviewer, 2008 - present)
  • Tesserae: Journal of Iberian and Latin-American Studies (Reader, 2007 - 2009)
  • Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, LUP (Series Editor, 2006 - 2012)
  • University of Wales Press (Editorial Board Member, 2006 - 2018)
  • Journal of Romance Studies (Reader, 2006)
  • Identities (Occasional reader and reviewer, 2006)
  • University of Illinois Press (Occasional reader and reviewer, 2006)
  • Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Editorial Board, 2005 - present)
  • New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film (Editorial Board Member, 2004 - present)
  • Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media (Joint Guest Editor, 2003)

Examination Roles

  • University of Nottingham, MRes (PGT, 2019)
  • University of Edinburgh, PhD (2019)
  • Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro State University), PhD (2018)
  • University of Kent, BA (UG, 2016)
  • University of Birmingham, BA (UG, 2015)
  • Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, Brazil, PhD (2010)
  • Southampton University, PhD (2007)
  • University of Manchester, BA (UG, 2007)
  • University of Nottingham, BA (UG, 2006)
  • University of Manchester, BA (UG, 2005)

External Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Invitation to be part of advisory board for AHRC/FAPESP-funded "Intermidia" project (University of Reading, 2016)
  • Appointment to AHRC Peer Review College (AHRC, 2009 - 2012)

Internal Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Departmental Impact Champion, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (Department)
  • Acting Research and Impact Lead for the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures (semester 2, 2017-18) (School / Institute)
  • Deputy Research and Impact Lead for the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures (School / Institute)

Media Appearances

  • Interviewed by BBC Wales, BBC 4 documentary 'Carmen Miranda: Under the Tutti Frutti Hat' (Invited, September 2006)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Latin American Studies Association (Member)
  • Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (Member)
  • BRASA - Brazilian Studies Association (member, 2016 - present)
  • ABIL - Association of British and Irish Lusitanists (member, 2016 - present)