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I am a historical archaeologist working on colonialism, slavery, subalternity, and gender in the Western Mediterranean and in the Americas, with a particular focus on indigeneity and decolonisation. I have led and participated in fieldwork projects in Antigua and Barbuda, Chile, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Italy, Morocco, and Spain. I have a combined background of History (BA-Licenciatura Universidad Complutense, Madrid) and Archaeology (MPhil, PhD, Universidad Complutense, Madrid). I joined the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Liverpool in October 2022 as a Derby Tenure Track Fellow in the Legacies of Empire, after having lived in Spain, Egypt, Italy, the UK, Belgium, and the US. I am currently affiliated to both the Department of Archaeology and the Department of History, and I am a member of the Centre for the Study of International Slavery.

I was previously a Renfrew Fellow at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, by virtue of which I was also Junior Research Fellow of Churchill College, University of Cambridge (2018-2022). During this period, I was also awarded the José Amor y Vázquez Fellowship at the John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, US (2019). Previously, I was Research Associate for the ERC project PROCON (2016-2018) at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research and Research Associate of St. John's College, University of Cambridge. Prior to Cambridge, I was non-stipendiary postdoc at the Department of Archaeology, Universiteit Gent (2014-2016), and a Project Officer at the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission in Brussels (2015). During my doctoral studies, I was invited as visiting graduate student at Brown University (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology), the Spanish School for History and Archaeology in Rome, and Glasgow University (Department of Archaeology).

I am a member of the research group 'Colonialism, Gender, and Materialities' based at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain), the 'Built Research Heritage Group' based at the University of the Basque Country, Spain (UPV/EHU), the EAA Community for the Archaeologies of the Americas, and the Archaeology and Gender in Europe.

Funded Fellowships

  • The Birgit Faber Morse and Benjamin Irving Rouse Grant-in-Aid Program (Yale University, 2024)
  • Dyason Fellowship (University of Melbourne, 2024)
  • Renfrew Fellowship (University of Cambridge, 2018 - 2022)
  • José Amor y Vázquez Fellowship (Brown University, 2019)