Assessment appeals: I have not yet completed my programme

This page provides information for Undergraduate or Postgraduate Taught students who have not completed their programme and want to appeal an assessment.

Summer resit Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught results will be released at 12 noon on Monday 9 September 2024

Section One appeal deadline: 5pm on Monday 23 September 2024

If your results have been delayed, your deadline for a Section One appeal is 10 working days after you receive your results.

If you have not yet completed your programme of study, including re-sits or the re-submission of failed assessments, you may appeal against a module mark or an assessment mark in non-modular programmes, which has been determined by a Board of Examiners. This includes the award of a mark of zero following a finding that major plagiarism, collusion, or fabrication of data has occurred.

For campus-based programs, marks are designated as provisional following the semester one examination period until confirmed by the Board of Examiners at the end of semester two.

You may appeal against a provisional or confirmed mark on the following grounds:

  • There was an administrative error in recording or calculating the mark or result
  • That assessments were not conducted in accordance with the current regulations governing the programme of study
  • That there was a procedural error in determining a decision of copying, plagiarism, collusion or dishonest use of data
  • You have a complaint regarding the academic provision that could not be made known prior to the meeting of the Board of Examiners and for which an academic remedy is being sought
  • That some other material irregularity has occurred
  • That extenuating circumstances were divulged but: 

    There was a procedural error in the decision taken by an Extenuating Circumstances Committee or Board of Examiners when considering the circumstances


    You are presenting new or additional material evidence, which, for a valid reason, they were unable to provide at the time of submitting the extenuating circumstances claim.

You cannot appeal on any grounds which:

  • Dispute the academic judgment of the Board of Examiners, including those which simply constitute an expression of dissatisfaction with the decision that has been taken or
  • Have already been considered re-considered by the Board of Examiners and /or Extenuating Circumstances Committee or
  • Constitute a matter which could have been resolved under the student complaints policy and procedure at the appropriate time
  • Relate to an extenuating circumstances claim that they wish to submit after the Board of Examiners has met. They should not submit an assessment appeal under these appeal procedures but should rather refer to the Section relating to extenuating circumstances cases submitted retrospectively in Appendix M of the Code of Practice on Assessment.

You can only submit an appeal against a provisional or confirmed module or assessment mark after it has been determined by a Module Review Board (or equivalent for a clinical programme).

Before submitting an appeal

Before submitting an appeal you must consult with the Chair of the relevant Board of Examiners or his/her designated representative, in order to clarify any possible misunderstanding about the way in which the examination or other work is assessed.

Your school student support offices can tell you the relevant Chairs and Secretaries of the Boards of Examiners.

If you are studying an online programme you should consult with your student support manager in the first instance.

Timeframe for submitting an appeal

If you want to appeal:

  • Complete the assessment appeal proforma section 1
  • Send it to the Secretary to the Board of Examiners.
  • It must include:
    • The grounds for your appeal
    • Supporting evidence 
    • A statement to confirm you have consulted the Chair of the relevant Board of Examiners or his/her designated representative.

This submission must be within 10 working days of the publication of your module marks.

The Secretary to the Board of Examiners will determine whether or not you have sufficient grounds for appeal after consulting with the Student Conduct, Complaints and Compliance Team in the Student Administration and Support Division.

Consideration of the appeal

Details of how appeals against assessment results are considered are contained within the code of practice on assessment.


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