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Wellbeing Boosting Habits and Activities

Posted on: 27 April 2022 by Zach Bishop in 2022 posts

Zach Bishop blog

As someone who has experienced the odd period of low-mood and a general ‘slump’ in wellbeing, I have learnt just how important the practice of building positive habits and activities can be in order to boost your wellbeing in a positive way! If you’re after some tips and tricks of habits and activities which you can get started with today, then be sure to read on.

Plan your week/time

In the past, I was that person who either kept a virtual to-do list in my head or would write down random to-do lists here and there on random post-it notes which I would almost always loose before I had even ticked one thing off – this ultimately led to unnecessary stress and more importantly, avoidable stress. One of the easiest things you can do to boost your wellbeing is to plan out your week in advance to avoid stress and to ensure that you know exactly what your plans are to get all the things on your to-do list finished. This can be done using an old fashioned diary, a wall planner or even useful online tools like Notion or the Momentum Chrome extension.

Get Active

Nothing gives you an instant serotonin boost like some good old fashioned exercise! Whether its hitting the gym, heading out on a run or a walk, cycling into university or taking up a new sport – getting active will give you some feel-good endorphins and will almost certainly boost your wellbeing. As someone who started hitting the gym earlier this year, I have realised a remarkable positive impact on my mental health and wellbeing and now even notice a difference when I don’t go to the gym for a few days.

Soak up some nature

It may be cliché, but nothing hits the spot like a bit of nature when you aren’t feeling your best. Getting some fresh air into your lungs, heading out on a walk in the park or by the sea is such a great way to boost your wellbeing! I find the best time to head out on a walk in when I’ve done a few hours work and where I would normally sit on my phone for a few hours, I force myself to head out on a walk and it really does have a massively positive impact on your mental health and wellbeing. This is also one of those things which you can turn into social activity – getting out and about with your friends on walk is like a double dose of positive wellbeing!