News in Brief - September 2024

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Philosophy News Digest

Featured News 

Top 20 – Liverpool’s Department of Philosophy Flying High in the League Tables


International News

Rachael Wiseman’s co-authored Metaphysical Animals has been published in French by Flammarion as Le Quartet D’Oxford. Trans. Rémi Clot-Goudard and Clotilde Meyer, preface by Manon Garcia.


Tom Bunyard’s ‘Places of Passage: Guy Debord on the Spectacular Organization of Social Space’ is in Pulmusaari and Schneider (eds), Possibilities of Place in Continental Thought: Critique, Politics, Philosophy. Bloomsbury.


Other News  

Gary Jones’ paper ‘The Importance of “Process” in Anscombe’s Understanding of Causality.’, has been accepted for the British Philosophy Postgraduate Association Annual Conference on Oct 17-18 in Manchester.

Megan Rawon’s, ‘The Pregnant Corporation: Using the Metaphysics of Pregnancy to Frame New Ontological Perspectives on the Foster-Gravida “Group”’ has been accepted for the BUMP: The metaphysics of pregnancy and beyond conference at KCL, 25 Oct 2024.


Upcoming Events  

The 2024-25 Stapledon seminar series has begun! For full information see here. In October:

  • 3 October: Nancy Cartwright, ‘Reliability Trumps Truth’
  • 17 October, Alex Gregory
  • 31 October, Jorge Dias.

An online ‘Women in Parenthesis’ seminar series will run this year. For the programme and to participate see here.