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Dilani Jayawarna

Professor Dilani Jayawarna
BSc (Eng), PhD


+44 (0)151 795 3823 Ext. 53823

Professional Activities

Externally, my research work has been recognised in a number of ways, for example through invitations to join the ESRC peer review committee; the advisory board for PSED (panel study of entrepreneurial dynamics) UK study & EU collaboration project; an invitation to join the editorial board and subsequent appointment as a consulting editor for International Small Business Journal (ISBJ) and Co-Editor for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Journal (ERD); being voted ‘reviewer of the year’ (ISBJ and MIP); appointments as external examiner for the Doctoral Programme at Lancaster University Management School, MSc in entrepreneurship at Nottingham and Goldsmith Universities and PG quantitative programmes at Leicester University, as well as visiting chair at MMU Centre for Enterprise. For a number of years I received best paper awards from the two major UK conferences, BAM and ISBE. For over six years, I served the role of Co-Editor for the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research (IJEBR). I also have been the Chair for the BAM entrepreneurship special interest group and the entrepreneurship track at the BAM conference for over six years. Being one of the few quantitative researchers in entrepreneurship and small business research, I have been invited to deliver quantitative research method sessions for BAM and ISBE conferences and ISBE mentoring events for post-doctoral researchers in the last five years. I am also a board member of NARTI – Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative and a member of the NARTI steering committee for early career researcher development.


  • International Small Business Journal (Invited Consulting Editor, 2014 - 2024)
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurial behaviour and Research (Co-Editor, 2008 - 2014)

Examination Roles

  • University of Nottingham, MSc Entrepreneurship programmes (PGT, 2016 - 2020)
  • Goldsmith University, MSc in Digital Entrepreneurship (PGT, 2014 - 2016)

Professional Body Memberships

  • British Academy of Mangement (Chair- Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group and BAM conference Track, 2013 - 2019)
  • Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Member, 2008 - present)