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Aparna Venugopal

Dr Aparna Venugopal
B.Tech, MBA, FPM

Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
Strategy, IB and Entrepreneurship


+44 (0)151 795 1381

Professional Activities

Aparna is the Academic Programme Director for the Help to Grow Programme at the University of Liverpool.

Aparna is associated with the Brett Centre for Entrepreneurship and the Centre for Sustainable Business at the University of Liverpool and is a keen advocate of entrepreneurial education across disciplines at varied levels of education.

Aparna is a trainer, facilitator, and mentor at the Help to Grow initiative. Her expertise in this area revolves around organisational innovation designs, and equitable wellbeing. She welcomes interests from entrepreneurial/small and medium sized social enterprises/research oriented enterprises who would like to avail her consultancy.

In her free time, along with a group of enthusiastic neighbours/board members, she volunteers at the management company that oversees her resident apartment building operations.

Since 2023, Aparna is also the PGT Lead at SIBE and the DoS for the MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management programme.

Conference Roles

  • Innovation across boundaries-Research designs for ECRs at Innovation across boundaries Session co-chair

Event Roles

  • ISBE Early Career Researcher Research Design (Workshop)

Examination Roles

  • University of Liverpool, University of Liverpool- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

External Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Early Career Research Special Interest Group Chairperson-ISBE (2020 - 2022)

Internal Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Director of Studies MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (Department, 2023 - 2026)
  • PGT Lead SIBE (Department, 2023 - 2026)
  • Academic Programme Director- Help 2 Grow (School / Institute, 2022 - present)

Media Appearances

  • Life beyond the fairytale world-Reflections on an immigrant academic woman, Inkpot hub

Professional Body Memberships

  • (Ordinary member, 2016 - present)

Publication Reviews

  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Invited (Journal of Knowledge Management, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Invited (Business Strategy and the Environment, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Invited (Organization and Environment: international journal of ecosocial research, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Invited (Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Invited (Industrial and Corporate Change, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer (Ecological Economics, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Invited (Management Decision, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer (Thunderbird International Business Review, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Invited (Journal of Strategy and Management, Pre-publication)
  • Ad-hoc reviewer (Frontiers in Psychology, Pre-publication)

Student Recruitment or Widening Participation