Study abroad

The University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS) strives to enhance the employability of its students and give them the skills, knowledge and inspiration to be the leaders of tomorrow.

ULMS believes it is important for our students to experience other cultures, languages and ways of living so that they are ready face the challenges of operating in a globally connected business world.

ULMS offers students four opportunities to gain an international experience throughout their degree programme. Students have the opportunity to participate in a semester abroad, a Year Abroad, a Year in China or attend one of our partners excellent summer experiences.

The benefits of studying abroad is not just an academic experience, it’s also about gaining new skills, developing your ideas and becoming a global citizen. There are so many professional and personal benefits to studying abroad such as improved self confidence, adaptability, opportunity to travel, independence and gaining language skills.

But interestingly, students who participate in study abroad are more likely to graduate with a higher degree classification, be in further education or graduate employment within the first six months after graduation compared to those who don’t have any sort of international experience. 

Semester Abroad

Semester abroad

Semester abroad is the opportunity to study abroad in either semester 1 or semester 2 of your second year at one of our partner universities based all over the world.

Year Abroad

Year Abroad

The Year Abroad is an incredible opportunity to spend one academic year at one of our partner universities around the world studying modules to help you learn about your host country and/or related to your degree subject in Liverpool.

Year In China

Year in China

The Year in China is a unique opportunity which allows you to extend your undergraduate degree programme. You will be studying at Xi'an Jiatong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China where you will study modules related to Chinese history and culture.

Summer Abroad

Summer abroad

The summer abroad is a great opportunity for you to get all the benefits of an international experience without being away from home for a full year or semester.

Study Abroad Students

Study abroad stories

Read about the experiences of some of our Study Abroad students.