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Lisa Day

Dr Lisa Day

Director of Online Programmes and Director of Studies Online MBA
Strategy, IB and Entrepreneurship


I am Director of Online Programmes in the Management School and Director of Studies for the Online MBA (Master of Business Administration). I joined the University of Liverpool in 2016 and, prior to this, I was a Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management for over 10 years in a UK university. I have also worked in strategy and management roles for Abbey National (now Santander), BT and Marks & Spencer.

I received a PhD from the University of Bath and my main research interest is as part of the ‘Strategy as Practice’ research field, in particular the study of strategic change from a sensemaking and identity perspective. I completed an MBA with Cranfield University in 2000. I also hold an MA in Learning and Teaching for Higher Education and I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. This reflects my wider interest in learning and teaching innovation and excellence.

Prizes or Honours

  • Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE Team Leader) (Advance HE, 2024)
  • University Learning and Teaching Fellowship (University of Liverpool, 2023)
  • Faculty Learning & Teaching and Student Experience Award (University of Liverpool Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2023)
  • Scholarship Award (Established Scholar) (University of Liverpool Management School - Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship Subject Group, 2023)
  • Best Development Paper Award (British Academy of Management (BAM), Organisational Transformation , Change & Development track, 2019)
  • Best Reviewer Award (Academy of Management, Strategizing, Activities & Practices Interest Group, 2019)
  • Best Student Paper Award (Academy of Management, Strategizing, Activities & Practices Interest Group, 2016)
  • Best Student Paper Award (Academy of Management, Strategizing, Activities & Practices Interest Group, 2015)