Work, Organisation and Management Group

Work, Organisation and Management Group

The Work, Organisation and Management (WOM) Group leads and delivers world-class research, teaching, and business collaborations, aimed at developing a meaningful understanding of organisations, work and society.





Knowledge Exchange


Led by Professor Charlotte Croft, the WOM group brings together scholars with diverse interests in the fields of  Organisation studies and theory, organisational behaviour and psychology, and human resource management.

Subject group leads
Charlotte Croft


Professor Charlotte Croft

Ali Rostron


Dr Ali Rostron

Mariella Miraglia


Dr Mariella Miraglia

Name Role Research/Scholarship:

Anderson, Professor Lisa

Chair in Management Learning


Banerjee, Dr Anindita

Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management 


Belfrage, Dr Claes

Reader in Global Political Economy


Bradley, Dr Martyn

Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management

Deputy Director of Studies Masters in Management

  • Leadership: management education and development
  • Work, health, and wellbeing, specifically work-life/family balance

Caldwell, Dr Hyacinthe

Deputy Director of Studies BA Business Management


Chang, Dr Jiyoun 

PDRA in Organisation Studies


Chauhan, Dr Trishna

Lecturer in Organisation Studies

Deputy Director of Studies: MSc Human Resource Management Programme and MSc Online HRM

  • Identity:organisational/professional roles
  • Lived experiences in the context of work
  • Work, health and wellbeing: Mental health (including invisible disabilities/conditions) 

Chen, Dr Yaru

Senior Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management

Director of Studies: MSc Human Resource Management Programme and MSc Online HRM

  • Identity

Cinque, Dr Silvia

Lecturer in WOM


Cole, Dr Michael

Senior Lecturer in Organisation and Management

  • Governance 

Croft, Professor Charlotte

Professor of Organisation Studies

Subject Group Lead: WOM Group

  • Identity
  • Occupations and professions
  • Inclusive leadership 

Daher, Dr Pascale

Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour

  • Leadership
  • Work, health and wellbeing 

Donnelly, Professor Rory

Professor of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour

  • Work, health and wellbeing: Organisational cultures to favour healthy workplaces, work/family balance
  • Leadership: Gender and leadership
  • EDI: Lived experiences of individuals at work, EDI practices in organisations
  • Identity
  • Grand challenges in WOM: Global, cross-cultural organisations, AI and tech

Fetzer, Dr Gregory

Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management

  • Work, health and wellbeing
  • Performance, innovation, and creativity
  • Identity 

Gatrell, Professor Caroline

Professor of Organisation Studies

Deputy Dean Faculty and Accreditation

  • Work, health and wellbeing: work-life balance
  • Relationship between the body and employment
  • Employment relationships
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Identity 

Guillaume, Professor Yves

Professor of Work, Organisation and Management

Associate Dean Research

  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Performance, innovation and creativity

Hakkarainen, Dr Tuuli

Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour


Hunter-Jones, Mr John

Lecturer in Organisations and Management


Jancsary, Professor Dennis

Chair in Organisation Studies


Johnson, Dr Jennifer

Director: MSc Healthcare Leadership and Online Healthcare Leadership


Koljonen, Dr Tomi

Lecturer in Organisation Theory

  • EDI: Lived experiences; EDI practices in organisations
  • Identity: Occupations and Professions
  • Grand challenges: Technology; Crisis of expertise; Research methods in management and organisations

Li, Dr Ming

Senior Lecturer in International Human Resource Management

Director of Studies Master in Management

  • Work, health and wellbeing: Student psychological capital; mental health
  • Leadership: global leadership, leadership in China
  • Grand challenges in WOM: Cross-cultural management; cultural intelligence

Liu, Dr Yihan

Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management


Lyons, Ms Bernadette

MBA Career and Leadership Development Coach


Lyubovnikova, Dr Joanne

Reader in Organisational Behaviour

Director of Studies MSc Occupational and Organisational Psychology

Postgraduatge Lead Work, Organisation and Management


Marechal, Dr Garance

Undergraduate Acadmic Integrity Officer

  • Dark side of  Management
  • Grand challenges in WOM: Food production in a context of climate change
  • Place and Affect
  • EDI: Disability

Minten, Dr Susan

Senior Lecturer in Sport Business

Director of Studies MSc Sports Business and Management and Online

  • Culture in community sports organisations
  • Sustainable community sports organisations
  • Learning in online communities

Miraglia, Dr Mariella

Reader in Organisational Behaviour/Human Resource Management

Director of Research: WOM Group

  • Work, health, and wellbeing
  • Presenteeism and absenteeism
  • Leadership: supportive leadership and supervisory feedback at work 

Murray, Dr Philip

Director of Studies (BA Business Management) 


Musiyarira, Hannah

Research Assistant


Nilsson, Dr Adriana

Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour


O'Doherty, Professor Damian

Professor of Management and Organisation

Director: Centre for Organisational and Employee Wellbeing


Otaye-Ebede, Professor Lilian

Professor in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour

Director of Studies for the MSc HRM Programme


Preece, Dr Denise

Senior Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management


Radcliffe, Dr Laura

Reader in Organisational Behaviour


Raheem, Dr Salma

Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour

  • Identity: multicultural identity/intersectionality
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion/Leadership: inclusive leadership /management of organisational diversity
  • Teams/International Human Resource Management: diverse/international teams

Ramirez, Mr Manuel

Lecturer in Organisation Studies

  • Grand challenges: Global ecological crisis; climate change imaginaries; AI and management education
  • Researcher-practitioner collaboration

Ramsey, Dr Caroline

Senior Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management

Director of Studies: Online DBA

  • Ethics and Psychoanalysis
  • Micro ethics in the workplace 

Rostron, Dr Ali

Senior Lecturer in Management

Director of Education: WOM Group

  • Identity: including manager identity (manager development and education), gender identity, and researcher identity (researcher reflexivity)

Rowe, Dr Michael

Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions & Wider Participation Lead

Lecturer in Public Sector Management

  • Organisational ethnography
  • Culture
  • Street-level bureaucracy
  • Methodology

Shaffakat, Dr Samah

Senior Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management

  • Leadership
  • Work, health and wellbeing
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Personality, emotions, media

Spencer, Dr Leighann

Senior Lecturer in Work, Organisation and Management


Suddaby, Professor Roy

Professor and Chair in Organisation Theory 


Yang, Dr Huadong

Reader in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour 

  • Human Resource Management practices and processes
  • Work, health, and wellbeing: Mental health
  • Grand Challenges in WOM: Cross-cultural corporations



We offer an undergraduate BA in Business Management programme and four master’s programmes in ManagementHuman Resource ManagementOccupational and Organisational Psychology, Organisational Psychology.

Our teaching is led by our world-leading research, with the work of WOM colleagues shaping understandings about working, organising and managing, with a direct impact on a wide range of organisations and institutions. Our staff also engages in prolific scholarship research that offers unique insights into management education and development as well as student experience and University curricula.

Study with us



Our researchers are making original contributions to work, organisation, and management theory and practice. They regularly publish in some of the top journals within the field, such as:

Many group members also hold senior editorial positions in world-leading journals such as Journal of Management Studies, as well as holding associate editor positions across a range of FT50 journals.  

Selected recent publications


Colicev, A., Hakkarainen, T. and Pedersen, T., 2023. Multi‐project work and project performance: Friends or foes?. Strategic Management Journal, 44(2), pp.610-636.

Fetzer, G.T., Harrison, S. and Rouse, E.D., 2023. Navigating the Paradox of Promise through the Construction of Meaningful Career Narratives. Academy of Management Journal.

Bailey, C. and Suddaby, R., 2023. When Time Falls Apart: Re-centring human time in organisations through the lived experience of waiting. Organization Studies.

Suddaby, R., Israelsen, T., Robert Mitchell, J. and Lim, D.S., 2023. Entrepreneurial visions as rhetorical history: A diegetic narrative model of stakeholder enrollment. Academy of Management Review48(2), pp.220-243.

Suddaby, R., Israelsen, T., Bastien, F., Saylors, R. and Coraiola, D., 2023. Rhetorical history as institutional work. Journal of Management Studies60(1), pp.242-278.


Chen, Y., Currie, G., McGivern, G. 2022. The role of professional identity in HRM implementation: Evidence from a case study of job redesign. Human Resource Management Journal, 32(2), pp. 283-98.

Croft, C., McGivern, G., Currie, G., Lockett, A., & Spyridonidis, D. (2022). Unified divergence and the development of collective leadership. Journal of Management Studies, 59(2), 460-488.

Fan, Z. and Liu, Y., 2022. Decoding secrecy as multiple temporal processes: Co-constitution of concealment and revelation in archival stories. Human Relations75(6), pp.1028-1052.

Gatrell, C., Ladge, J.J., Powell, G.N. 2021. A Review of Fatherhood and Employment: Introducing new perspectives for management research. Journal of Management Studies, 59(5), 1103-1358.

Shaffakat, S., Otaye-Ebede, L., Reb, J., Chandwani, R. and Vongswasdi, P., 2022. Mindfulness attenuates both emotional and behavioral reactions following psychological contract breach: A two-stage moderated mediation model. Journal of Applied Psychology107(3), p.425.

Spencer, L., Anderson, L. and Ellwood, P., 2022. Interweaving scholarship and practice: A pathway to scholarly impact. Academy of Management Learning & Education21(3), pp.422-448.

Bednall, T.C., Sanders, K. and Yang, H., 2022. A meta‐analysis on employee perceptions of human resource strength: Examining the mediating versus moderating hypothesesHuman Resource Management61(1), pp.5-20.


Chen, Y. and Reay, T., 2021. Responding to imposed job redesign: The evolving dynamics of work and identity in restructuring professional identity. Human Relations74(10), pp.1541-1571.

Miraglia, M., Johns, G. (2021). ‘The Social and Relational Dynamics of Absenteeism from Work: A Multi-Level Review and Integration’, Academy of Management Annals, 15(1): 37-67.


Stollberger, J., Bosch, M. J., Las Heras, M., Rofcanin, Y., Daher, P. (2020). ‘The tone at the top: A trickle-down model of how manager anger relates to employee moral behaviour’, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(6):907-921.

Kenny, E. J., Donnelly, R. (2020). ‘Navigating the gender structure in information technology: How does this affect the experiences and behaviours of women?’, Human Relations, 73(3):326-350.

Breslin, D., Gatrell, C. (2020). ‘Theorizing Through Literature Reviews: The Miner-Prospector Continuum’, Organizational Research Methods, 26(1):139-167.

Li, M. (2020). ‘An examination of two major constructs of cross-cultural competence: Cultural intelligence and intercultural competence’, Personality and Individual Differences, 164(1):1-6.

Lee, A., Lyubovnikova, J., Tian, A., Knight, C. (2020). ‘Servant leadership: A meta-analytic examination of incremental contribution, moderation and mediation’, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(1):1-44.

Miraglia, M., Johns, G. (2020). ‘The Social and Relational Dynamics of Absenteeism from Work: A Multi-Level Review and Integration’, Academy of Management Annals, 15(1):37-67.

Loon, M., Otaye-Ebede, L., Stewart, J. (2020). ‘Thriving in the New Normal: The HR Microfoundations of Capabilities for Business Model Innovation. An Integrated Literature Review’, Journal of Management Studies, 57(3):698-726.

Pearson, G., Rowe, M. (2020). ‘Police Street Powers and Criminal Justice: Regulation and Discretion in a Time of Change’, Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Yang, H., Sanders, K., Van Rijn, M. (2020). ‘The effect of supervisor and organisational support on employees’ interactive informal learning: The moderating role of interdependent self-construal’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(17):2217-2237. 


Goumaa, R., Anderson, L., Zundel, M. (2019). ‘What can managers learn online? Investigating possibilities for active understanding in the online MBA classroom’, Management Learning, 50 (2):226-244.

Sun, J., Cole, M., Huang, Z., Wang, S. (2019). ‘Chinese leadership: Provincial perspectives on promotion and performance’, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37(4): 750-772.

Gatrell, C. (2019). ‘Boundary creatures? Employed, breastfeeding mothers and ‘abjection as practice’’, Organization Studies, 40(3):421-442.

Lee, A., Thomas, G., Martin, R., Guillaume, Y., Marstand, A. F. (2019). ‘Beyond relationship quality: The role of leader–member exchange importance in leader–follower dyads’, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92(4):736-763.

Lee, A., Thomas, G., Martin, R., Guillaume, Y. (2019). ‘Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) ambivalence and task performance: The cross-domain buffering role of social support’, Journal of Management, 45(5):1927-1957.

 Li, M., Sharp, B., Bergh, D., Vandenberg, R. (2019). ‘Statistical and methodological myths and urban legends in strategic management research: The case of moderation analysis’, European Management Review, 16(1):209-220.

Otaye-Ebede, L. (2019). ‘Antecedents and outcomes of managing diversity in a UK context: test of a mediation model’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(18):2605-2627.

Cassell, C., Radcliffe, L., & Malik, F. (2019). ‘Participant Reflexivity in Organizational Research Design’, Organizational Research Methods, 23(4):750-773.

Research themes

The WOM colleagues position their world-leading research across the following themes: 

Work, Health and Wellbeing

This research theme explores workplace health and wellbeing at the individual, organisational and societal levels. 

Our body of research explores the macro, meso and micro factors that can foster health and wellbeing at work.

For instance, we work towards facilitating organisational cultures that can favour healthy workplaces, enhancing work-life/family balance, promoting positive mental health and understanding the implications of the (maternal) body for employment, among other aims.


This theme investigates leadership behaviour, styles, processes, dynamics and outcomes, using a plethora of philosophical, theoretical and methodological approaches. 

For example, our researchers explore the impact of leader’s factors (eg personality traits, emotions, behaviours, gender) on employee and organisational productivity and wellbeing as well as the leader-follower relationship. They also promote the understanding and adoption of inclusive leadership practices.

Our research also focuses on higher-level leadership phenomena, including governance, global leadership and the political context of leadership.

Finally, research whithin this theme aims to understand how to enhance the education and development of current and future managers.

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

Research within this theme seeks to gain a better understanding of the lived experiences of individuals at work in relation to their differences in backgrounds, identities, values, abilities, beliefs and preferences.

Our work aims to embrace diversity and promote more inclusive and equitable organisations. 

Our researchers explore the impact on work life of factors such as ethnicity, gender, religion, neurodiversity and disability.

They also evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of EDI practices in the workplace and investigate the implications of occupational factors, organisational culture and structures on EDI practices, processes and outcomes.


Research within this theme aims to understand identity at work, embracing multiple perspectives and considering several factors that can define identity, including, but not limited to gender, organisational roles, occupations and professions and multi-culturalism.

Some exemplary issues our researchers seek to address relate to the establishment of one’s sense of Self and Others in the changing and multicultural world of work.

This includes how individuals develop their sense of belonging to an organisation, how they challenge or conform to the predominant norms and standards, and how they alter their self-perceptions in the context of change.

Grand challenges in Work, Organisation and Management

This research theme looks at multiple challenges emerging from the changing world of work, and investigates the challenges involved in managing and working for global, cross-cultural organisations.

Our researchers also explore the decolonialisation of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and processes, as well as of management education curricula.

Research within the theme also explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology on work, organisation and management processes and practices, as well as on future management education.

Research centres

We host the School’s Centre for Organisational and Employee Wellbeing, aimed at conducting and disseminating novel research exploring how organising and managing affects production, working life and health.

Find out more about the Management School's research centres



Our Group regularly organises seminar series with prominent international speakers, to present their latest research and ideas in managing organisations and people:

Wednesday 30 October 2024

Supporting the persistence of local crafts across generations: Manual gun making in Austria and Germany over the past 150 years

  • Speaker: Dr Rene Wiedner, University of Warwick (England)
  • Open to: WOM Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 1.30-3 pm
  • In person: Seminar Room 1


Ever since the Industrial Revolution, manual production practices or ‘crafts’ have been threatened with obsolescence as technological advances have enabled efficiency gains through increased automation.

Although often regarded as futile, several waves of organized resistance to modern, automated processes and attempts to protect craftspeople’s livelihoods have occurred over the past centuries.

Today the United Nations actively promotes the preservation of traditional craftsmanship, arguing that: complete dependence on modern technology and complex, global supply chains endangers economic resilience; safeguarding traditional craftsmanship supports local communities by contributing to a greater sense of identity, enhanced creativity and mutual understanding; and replacing manual production practices with automated, globally distributed alternatives endangers sustainability by creating unnecessary waste and CO2 emissions.

Recently, in a shift away from the traditional focus in management studies on growth and modern technology adoption, a few studies have begun to examine how practices, companies, occupations and industries can survive existential threats posed by the emergence of alternatives that are perceived as more efficient or effective.

In particular, there is a nascent and rapidly growing interest in the persistence of crafts and the custodial activities that support the continuation of traditional practices.

However, one fundamental issue concerning craft preservation has been largely overlooked: All collective endeavors, including organized preservation initiatives, require at least partly subsuming practitioners’ individual interests into those of the collective.

Indeed, a defining element of craft and a craftsperson is autonomy – the rejection of standardization and homogeneity and of interference in individual discretion that risks jeopardizing the attentiveness to the uniqueness of the employed materials, specific conditions, and techniques learned through experience, and ultimately of the resulting product.

Thus, collective efforts to preserve a craft risk triggering the inherent (mostly latent) tension in craft between maintaining and relinquishing control.

We examine this tension in an in-depth, qualitative analysis of events related to the preservation of manual gun making over two centuries in two regions (Ferlach, Austria and Suhl, Germany) recognized globally as successful cases of keeping the craft alive.

Our analysis suggests that certain organizational initiatives may effectively navigate this tension to enable continued production, knowledge sharing, and innovation

(a) by generating a sustainable, semi-autonomous social space that buffers a local craft from short term economic demand and

(b) which, over time, and through their persistence, become symbols to and of their local community, industry and craft that instill hope and pride.

Wednesday 20 November 2024

Organizing digital responsibility - a conceptualization of varieties of normative orders in the tech domain

  • Speaker: Professor Mikkel Flyverbom, Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
  • Open to: WOM Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 1.30-3 pm
  • In person: Seminar Room 1


Processes of digitalization and datafication are increasingly accompanied by aspirations towards ethics and increased responsibility in the tech domain.


While an increasing amount of literature seeks to understand and theorize this development, what remains missing is a more general exploration and conceptualization of what digital responsibility means, and how it points to different visions for digital futures.


In this paper, we present a conceptualization of digital responsibility and the underlying understandings of data and its societal value, the roles of different organizational actors and ideas about concrete governance arrangements and visions about the shape of digital futures.


Taken together, these dimensions of our conceptualization add up to what we think of as five distinct normative orders about digital responsibility as they unfold across a broad set of social and institutional domains.


This typology of varieties of digital responsibility is at the core of our paper.


We seek to contribute to work on the complex intersections between ethics, governance and social ordering by offering this conceptualization of digital responsibility and typology of its various forms, with a focus on how they come to animate organizational, normative and regulatory developments in the tech domain.


This contribution extends existing work on ethics, responsibility and the relationships between technology, business and society, and may inspire future research on digital responsibility in organization and management studies.



Past seminars


Smart management: How simple heuristics help leaders make good decisions in an uncertain world

Cleaners in the Twilight Zone: An ethnographic study in management and organizations of inequality and the rise of far-right politics in Germany

Commit professional suicide or take up my pilgrim’s staff again?’: A cultural examination of how female managers resolve shock events in developing regions

  • Professor Linh-Chi Vo, Professor of Strategic Management, ESDES, Lyon Business SchooL, France 
  • 20 May 2024

HRM system strength: The influence of culture

  • Professor Karin Sanders, Professor of HRM and Organisational Psychology, University of New South Wales, Australia
  • 1 May 2024

Chasing storms: Temporal Work to Foster Group Engagement Under Uncertainty

  • Professor Nina Granqvist, Professor of Management Studies, Aalto University School of Business, Finland
  • 14 February 2024


Regulating ‘moral grey zones’: Medical & nursing regulation in Kenya & Uganda

  • Professor Gerry McGivern, Professor in Public Services Management & Organisation, King's Business School, UK
  • 22 November 2023

Covid-19 lockdown in Nigeria: Socioeconomic challenges, coping strategies, and the vulnerability of street vendors

Reframing Methodology: From Craft to Critique

  • Professor Hugh Willmott, Professor of Management and Organization Studies at Bayes Business School and Cardiff University, UK
  • 20 September 2023

On studying charisma scientifically

The endogeneity problem in mediation models

Notes on the phenomenology of innovation – promise, phenomenon, performance, paradox

  • Professor Alf Rehn, Professor of Technology and Innovation at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • 20 April 2023

Equality, diversity and inclusion

  • Professor Martyna Sliwa, Professor of Business Ethics and Organisation Studies at Durham University, UK
  • 19 April 2023

The future of management

  • Professor Alf Rehn, Professor of Technology and Innovation at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • 19 April 2023

Leadership and wellbeing

  • Professor Ilke Inceoglu, Professor in Organisational Behaviour and HR Management at University of Exeter, UK 
  • 19 April 2023



Publishing in top-tier management journals: How can you do it? 

Developing research practices

  • Professor Renate Meyer, Professor of Organisation Studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
  • 29 November 2022

Publishing qualitative research

  • Professor Renate Meyer, Professor of Organisation Studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
  • Professor Bill Harley, Professor of Management at the University of Melbourne, Australia
  • 29 November 2022

How to win friends and influence people(‘s feelings)… And should we be doing so?

  • Professor Karen Niven, Professor of Organisational Psychology at University of Sheffield, England
  • 16 November 2022

One frame to bind them all’. The rhetoric of the anti-vaccination for large-scale institutional disruption

  • Professor Renate Meyer, Professor of Organisation Studies at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
  • 29 September 2022

Reflexive Practice: Developing Insights for Research and Leadership

On the charisma of crabs and other liminal critters: What HRM can learn from rockpooling

  • Dr Lindsay Hamilton, Chair in Animal Organisation Studies at The York Management School (University of York), England
  • 30 March 2022



Does Physical Activity before the End of the Workday Improve Work Focus? A Within-Person Investigation in Regular Exercisers”.

  • Dr Lieke ten Brummelhuis, Associate Professor of Management and Organisation Studies at Simon Fraser University, Canada
  • 24 February 2021

Post-corporate Entrepreneurship in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The Role of Institutional Infrastructure

  • Professor Tom Lawrence, Professor of Strategic Management at Said Business School, University of Oxford, England
  • 28 April 2021



Resolving the paradox of institutional stability: Process ontology and the temporality of institutions

Understanding the factors that support breastfeeding women at work

  • Professor Allison Gabriel, Professor of Management and Organisations, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, US
  • 8 July 2020

Event in the Technologies and the Futures of Work series

Labor market inclusion through predatory capitalism? The ‘sharing economy’, diversity, and the crisis of social reproduction in the Belgian coordinated market economy

  • Professor Patrizia Zanoni, Professor in organisation Studies, Hasselt University, Belgium,  and Utrecht University School of Governance, The Netherlands
  • 12 February 2020



Organisational culture and change: Developing theory and evidence-based SEMs for measuring organizational characteristics of relevance for adaptive change

  • Professor Felix Brodbeck, Chair for Economic and Organisational Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
  • 19 June 2019 

Do relation-specific investments pay off? Comparing cross-sector and within-sector partnerships from a relational view perspective

  • Professor Christiana Weber, Chair for Strategic Management and Organisation, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
  • 22 May 2019 

When is hierarchy functional? Clarity between status levels in the hierarchy system impacts the functionality of hierarchy in crowdsourcing teams & To Ask or Not to Ask: Effect of Age on Advice Seeking

  • Professor Gokhan Ertug, Professor of Strategic Management, Singapore Management University, Singapore
  • 1 May 2019 

Business model innovation in the energy industry

  • Professor Jonatan PinkseProfessor of Strategy, IMP Innovation, Strategy and Sustainability, University of Manchester, England
  • 3 April 2019 

Expanding our understanding of the employee-organization relationship

History and the Micro-foundations of Dynamic Capabilities

  • Professor Roy SuddabyChair in Organisation Theory, Work, Organisation and Management at University of Liverpool Management School, England, and Winspear Chair of Management at University of Victoria, Canada
  • 22 February 2019 

Nostalgic uses of the past, AMLE publishing workshop

  • Professor Bill Foster, University of Alberta, Canada
  • 22 January 2019 



The Origins of 'Organizational' Wrongdoing: Complicity-in-Practice

  • Professor Jane Lê, Chair of Strategic Management, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
  • 12 December 2018 

Servant Leadership and Frontline Employees' Customer Service Performance: A Cross-Level Test of Competing Perspectives

  • Professor Sam Aryee, Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, University of Surrey, England
  • 7 November 2018 

Strategy and virtue: Revisiting strategic management through virtue ethics

  • Professor Hari Tsoukas, Professor of Strategic Management at University of Cyprus, and Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Warwick Business School, England
  • 17 October 2018


Knowledge exchange

Members of our group work closely with business, the public sector and the third sector in impactful research and knowledge exchange projects.

Such activities are funded by a range of national and international funding agencies including the UK Reserach and innovation's Economic and Social Research Council, the Leverhulme TrustThe British Academy, the National Institute for Health Research, and other public and private sector organisations.

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