Doctoral Researchers in OSCM

Meet our PhD students and discover their innovative ideas and research in the area of Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM).

PhD students reading a book in the library

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Tigar Putri Adhiana headshot

Tigar Putri Adhiana

Optimizing Bundling Strategies and Pricing Decisions in Supply Chain

In order to enhance sales and remain competitive against other firms and products, many businesses adopt a bundling strategy. Bundling is a selling strategy involving selling two or more products or services together.

In addition, with dynamic changes in the market, it is important for companies to set the right prices for their products and services. Thus, this research focuses on identifying bundling trends, including product and service bundling.

Furthermore, this research also investigates the bundling types and pricing strategies in the supply chain with several considerations and decisions that can optimize customer satisfaction, the performance of all of the entities in the supply chain, and the performance of the supply chain as a whole.

Büşra Bayrak headshot

Büşra Bayrak

Pricing Decisions and Recovery Strategies in Closed-Loop Supply Chains

With continuous technological advancements, e-waste is steadily increasing due to the short product life cycles.

Ensuring sustainability is of utmost importance for the preservation of valuable resources. In this context, closed-loop supply chains have emerged as a solution.

Customer returns play a pivotal role in this process, serving as a valuable source for generating new products while reducing dependency on new resources.

This study delves into the implementation of viable recovery strategies, considering customer returns, and employs pricing decisions to strike a balance between profitability and sustainability.

Nathan Davies headshot

Nathan Davies

How could procurement activities impact modern slavery conditions in a UK construction supply chain

This research is an investigation into Modern Slavery from a procurement and supply chain management context. As globalisation has increased supply chains have become complex and as a result an organisation might only understand its tier 1 working conditions.

The scope of the research is to gain a better understanding between the links of modern slavery, supply chain management practices and other theories that might help prevent modern slavery conditions from arising.

Omar Elshazly headshot

Omar Elshazly

Revisiting Supply Chain Resilience Under Complexity Logic and Emergent Business Landscapes

My research is concerned with the concept of supply chain resilience, both theoretical and practical (implications) when considering "change and uncertainty" (as opposed to stability and equilibrium) as the normal state of working/living in the increasingly complex and globally interwoven business networks.

The shortened periods between major global disruptive events, evidenced in the recent COVID-19 Pandemic, pose new and extensive risks to societies and the global supply chains as their economic channels of interaction.

Olly Kennedy

Tackling Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains

This research will develop our understanding of how businesses can tackle modern slavery in their operations and supply chains, working in collaboration with the UK Home Office and Crown Commercial Service.

Research to date has remained at the surface level, primarily focusing on compliance to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

This research aims to uncover the hidden insights of why organisations should care about modern slavery, and what can be done.

Abhilash Kondraganti headshot

Abhilash Kondraganti

Role of Big Data Analytics in Improving the Performance of Humanitarian Operations

The use of Big Data Analytics is growing in profit-driven companies across all business functions. Could humanitarian organisations also make effective use of data analytics?

The research advances are essential considering the increase in the number of natural and man-made disasters and the rise in delays in the provision of assistance.

My work will examine how big data analytics can be used effectively in humanitarian relief operations and enhance coordination between stakeholders.

Ahmad F.M. Mah'd headshot

Ahmad F.M. Mah'd

Innovative Business Models: A Blockchain-Driven Paradigm for Supply Chain Sustainability 

The PhD research explores the intersection of supply chain, sustainability, and Blockchain technology.

The primary focus is on understanding the critical factors that influence the emergence of innovative business models that enhance sustainability in the supply chain through the implementation of Blockchain.

The study aims to uncover the intricate dynamics that shape the effectiveness of Blockchain in enhancing sustainability practices within the supply chain.

Furthermore, in the supply chain domain, the research explores the landscape of developed sustainability strategies, frameworks, or interventions that leverage Blockchain.

Josh Marriott headshot

Josh Marriott

E-commerce Returns; Could Last-Mile Innovations Help Decarbonise the Reverse Network of Fashion E-commerce Retailers

An overwhelming 25% of the global e-commerce carbon footprint is owing to the reverse logistic process. In order to sustain the influx of product returns, retailers and logistic providers must endeavour to implement robust, innovative supply chain networks.

Reverse logistics, in particular, has the ability to increase the recovery value of returned products, prevent product decay and also ensure of safe disposal.

This research will investigate last-mile solutions in order to decarbonise the reverse network of fashion e-commerce retailers

Ekin Ozgurbuz headshot

Ekin Ozgurbuz

Application of distributionally robust optimisation in combinatorial logistics problems

My research focuses on the application of distributionally robust optimisation techniques to solve network design and facility location problems under scarce data and uncertain parameter environments in the field of logistics and supply chain management.

I am particularly interested in topics such as operations research, combinatorial optimisation, mixed-integer programming, simulation, and stochastic processes. Prior to my PhD, I completed my bachelor's and master's degrees in Industrial Engineering at Boğaziçi University.

I am passionate about exploring innovative approaches to address complex logistics challenges and contribute to the advancement of supply chain optimisation.

Louise Postema headshot

Louise Postema

Smallholder Adaptation as Supply Chain Risk Management for African Agri-Food Businesses 

My research focuses on private sector investments in smallholder climate change adaptation.

Specifically, I will look at how investments in smallholder adaptation can be financially viable supply chain risk management strategies for agri-food companies procuring from these farmers.

This includes understanding risk management decision-making and influencing factors, enabling financial instruments and effective implementation mechanisms.

Fran Setiawan headshot

Fran Setiawan

Models and Algorithms for Freight Transportation Planning in Sparse Network.

Freight transportation infrastructures and networks require high investment.

Therefore, careful plan and analysis are needed before significant investment decisions are made.

This research will develop models and algorithms for freight transportation planning in sparse network.

The objective is to minimise costs and environmental effects. The models and algorithms will be applied on real case study.

Clare Westcott headshot

Clare Westcott

Barriers to delivering social value in public procurement?

The focus on public sector organisations to deliver value is intensifying.

From January 2021 it became a requirement for all UK public procurement to give a minimum 10% weighting to social value in the tendering process.

This research focuses on the enablers to social value delivery by exploring the policy, systems, and practice constraints across the multiplicity of stakeholders within the supply chain.

Challenges of public – private partnerships, the role of communities in delivering successful social value outcomes, and the effectiveness of governance will all be explored.