Operations and Supply Chain Management Group

Operations and Supply Chain Management Group

The Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) Group develops world-class research, teaching programmes and business collaborations, aimed at devising and implementing advanced solutions to optimise the use of resources and skills across technology-enhanced social and business networks.





Knowledge exchange


Led by Professor Andy Lyons, the OSCM group brings together scholars, early career researchers and students with an interest in this area.

Subject group leads
Andrew Lyons


Professor Andrew Lyons

Fotios Misopoulos


Dr Fotios Misopoulos

Hugo Lam


Professor Hugo Lam

Name Role Research/Scholarship
Amirnazmiafshar, Dr Ehsan

Postdoctoral Research Associate

  • Transportation Engineering
Antonopoulou, Dr Aikaterini

Lecturer in Digital Business and Data Analytics

  • Digital innovation
  • Digital business strategy
  • Digital Transformation
  • Value of Innovation
  • Practice theory 
Bektas, Professor Tolga

Professor of Logistics Management

Associate Dean: International  

  • Transportation and logistics
  • Last-mile distribution
  • Supply chain networks
Bodrozic, Professor Zlatko 

Professor in Digital Business

Chen, Dr Yonghui

ULMS 20 Year Anniversary Fellowship

Choi, Professor Jason

Chair in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Director: Centre for Supply Chain Research 

  • Operations-technology Interfaces
  • Supply chain and logistics management
  • Supply chain risk, contracts
Crolley, Professor Liz

Professor of Management Systems

  • Management education 
Davies, Dr Jennifer

Lecturer in Project Management

Director of Studies MSc Project Management and Online MSc Online Project Management

  • Digital supply chains
  • Sustainable supply chains 
Elsayed, Dr Omar

Lecturer in Digital Business and Data Analytics

  • Digital business and transformation
  • Gamification
  • SME strategies
Feng, Dr Yuanjun

Lecturer in Digital Business and Data Analytics

  • Maritime Logistics
  • Container port operations management
  • Operations research
  • Data analytics
Gavin, Professor Carl

Director of Executive Education

Guo, Dr Shu

Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Operations and Supply Chain Management Group Dissertation Lead

  • Sustainable supply chains
  • Food supply chains
  • Product leftovers
Hodgson, Ms Julia

Lecturer in Management Systems

  • Management education 
Iris, Dr Cagatay

Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Director of Studies: MSc Business Analytics & Big Data

Postgraduate Lead Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Transport and logistics
  • Next-generation ports
  • Urban logistics
Kasapidis, Dr Grigorios

Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Director of Studies for MSc AI for Digital Business

  • Meta- and Math- heuristic algorithms
  • Constraint and Mathematical Programming
  • GPU-, Cloud-, Quantum Computing
Lam, Professor Hugo

Professor in Operations Management

Director of Research: OSCM Group

  • Operations Management
  • OM research methods
Leung, Dr Ka Ho

Lecturer in Digital Business and Data Analytics

Operations and Supply Chain Management Group Social Media Lead

  • Supply chain, logistics
  • Transportation and warehouse management
  • Digital twins and cyber-physical systems
  • Machine learning
Li, Dr Dong 

Reader in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Lead: XJTLU PhD Programme

Director of Studies ULMS-IBSS PhD programmes

  • Agri-food supply chains 
Lyons, Professor Andrew

Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Subject Group Lead: OSCM Group

  • Lean Operations
  • OSCM strategy and design
  • Circular supply chains
  • Business model innovations & complex product systems
Meehan, Professor Joanne 

Professor of Responsible Procurement

Director: Centre for Sustainable Business

  • Modern slavery in supply chains
  • Social value
  • Business to business collaboration
Menzies, Dr Laura 

Senior Lecturer in Operations Management

Director of Skills 

  • Sustainability and ethical supply chain practices
  • OSCM education 
Misopoulos, Dr Fotios 

Senior Lecturer in Project Management

Director of Education: OSCM Group

  • Sustainable projects
  • Higher Education Pedagogy
Narayanamurthy, Dr Gopalakrishnan 

Reader in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Undergraduate Academic Integrity Officer

  • Disruptive technologies
  • Decision intelligence
  • Transformative service research
  • Healthcare operational excellence
Pinnington, Dr Bruce 

Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Associate Dean: Knowledge Exchange and External Engagement

  • Modern slavery in supply chains
  • Social value
  • Business to business collaboration
Sarwar, Dr Atif

Lecturer in Technology Management

Sharifi, Dr Hossein 

Reader in Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Agile operations
  • Resilient supply chains
  • Gamification and digital operations
Song, Professor Dongping 

Professor in Supply Chain Management

  • Transport and logistics
  • Empty container/vehicle repositioning
  • Container shipping
  • Port operations
  • Decarbonisation
  • Data analytics
Taghizadegan, Dr Ali 

Lecturer in Digital Business and Data Analytics

  • SME strategies
  • Digital operations 
Tickle, Dr Matthew 

Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Director of Studies: MSc Operations & Supply Chain Management

  • Humanitarian Supply Chains
  • Higher Education Pedagogy
Wang, Ms Geng

Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Xie, Mr Shenghao

Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Blockchain technology
  • Sustainable supply chains
Xing, Dr Xinjie 

Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

  • Blockchain technologies
  • Operations research
  • Logistics systems
Xu, Dr Zhen 'Jason'

Lecturer in Operations Management

Zhang, Yudi

Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management




We offer three specialist master’s programmes in Business Analytics and Big Data, Operations and Supply Chain Management and Project Management, as well as contributing to the School’s undergraduate and postgraduate general management programmes.

Teaching is led by evidence-based research produced by our team of international experts, whose work is shaping world-class academic thought, and making a direct impact on a wide range of organisations and institutions.

Study with us



Our specialist researchers are making original contributions to OSCM theory and practice and regularly publish in some of the top journals within the field, including the Journal of Operations Management, the International Journal of Operations and Production ManagementTransportation Research Part-B, the Journal of Service Research and the European Journal of Operational Research

Selected recent publications


Ouyang, Z., Leung, E., Huang, G. (2023). ‘Community logistics and dynamic community partitioning: A new approach for solving e-commerce last mile delivery’, European Journal of Operational Research, 307(1):140-156.

Xing, X.Son, D., Qiu, C., Drake, P., Zhan, Y. (2023) ‘Joint tank container demurrage policy and flow optimisation using a progressive hedging algorithm with expanded time-space network’European Journal of Operational Research, 307(2):663-679.

Bayliss, C., Bekta, T., Vernon Tjon-Soei-Len, Remo Rohner (2023). ‘Designing a multi-modal and variable-echelon delivery system for last-mile logistics’European Journal of Operational Research, 307(2):645-662.

Patil, H., Niranjan, S., Narayanamurthy, G., Narayanan, A. (2023). ‘Investigating contingent adoption of additive manufacturing in supply chains’International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43(3):489-519.



Lam, H., Ding, L., Dong, Z. (2022). ‘The impact of foreign competition on domestic firms’ product quality: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in the United States’Journal of Operations Management, 68(8):881-902.

Li, H.Lam, H., Ho, W.Yeung, A. (2022). ‘The impact of chief risk officer appointments on firm risk and operational efficiency’, Journal of Operations Management, 68(3):241-269.

Zhang, J.Sethi, S.Choi, T-M.Cheng, T.C.E. (2022). ‘Pareto optimality and contract dependence in supply chain coordination with risk-averse agents’Production and Operations Management, 31(6):2557-2570.

Luo, S., Choi, T-M. (2022). E-commerce supply chains with considerations of cyber-security: Should governments play a role?’Production and Operations Management, 31(5):1309-1331.

Cao, K., Choi, T-M. (2022). ‘Optimal Trade-in Return Policies: Is it Wise to be Generous?’, Production and Operations Management, 31(3):1309-1331.

Choi, T-M., Kumar, S., Yue, X., Chan, H-L. (2022). ‘Disruptive Technologies and Operations Management in the Industry 4.0 Era and Beyond’Production and Operations Management, 31(1):9-31.

Feng, Y.Son, D.Li, D. (2022). ‘Smart stacking for import containers using customer information at automated container terminals’European Journal of Operational Research, 301(2):502-522.

Wehbi, L., Bekta, T.Iris, C. (2022). ‘Optimising vehicle and on-foot porter routing in urban logistics’Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 109.

Guo, S.Choi, T-M, Chung, S-H. (2022). ‘Self-design fun: Should 3D printing be employed in mass customization operations’European Journal of Operational Research, 299(3):883-897.



Assa, H., Sharifi, HLyons, A. (2021). ‘An examination of the role of price insurance products in stimulating investment in agriculture supply chains for sustained productivity’, European Journal of Operational Research, 288(3):918-934.

Nguyen, A.H.T., Singh, A., Kumari, S., Choudhary, S. (2021). ‘Multi-agent architecture for waste minimisation in beef supply chain’Production Planning & Control34(11):1082-1096



Yiu, L.M.D, Lam, H., Andy C.L. Yeung, Cheng, T.C.E. (2020). ‘Enhancing the financial returns of R&D investments through operations management’Production and Operations Management, 29(7):1658-1678.

Zhang, J., Sethi, S., Choi, T-M, Cheng, T.C.E. (2020). ‘Supply Chains Involving a Mean-Variance-Skewness-Kurtosis Newsvendor: Analysis and Coordination’Production and Operations Management, 29(6):1397-1430.

Cousin, P., Dutordoir, M., Lawson, B., Frota Neto, J. (2020). ‘Shareholder wealth effects of modern slavery regulation’Management Science, 66(11):5265-5289.

Guo Li, Lin Li, Choi, T-M, Sethi, S. (2020). ‘Green supply chain management in Chinese firms: Innovative measures and the moderating role of quick response technology’Journal of Operations Management, 66(7-8):958-988.

Feng, Y.Song, D.Li, D., Zeng, Q. (2020). ‘The stochastic container relocation problem with flexible service policies’Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 141:116-163.

Schiffling, S., Hannibal, C., Fan, Y., Tickle, M. (2020). Coopetition in temporary contexts: examining swift trust and swift distrust in humanitarian operations’International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 40(9):1449-1473



Roscoe, S., Cousins, P., Handfield, R. (2019). ‘The microfoundations of an operational capability in digital manufacturing’Journal of Operations Management, 65(8):774-793.

Research themes

Through the development and application of models, analytical techniques and technologies that underpin the achievement of excellence in the design of operations and supply chain systems, our group's specialists offer research expertise in five different themes: 

Transport and logistics

Research subtopics:

  • Modelling and optimisation of problems in the design, planning and operation of transportation networks for the distribution of freight
  • Container shipping, empty container/vehicle positioning and ship loading
  • Intermodal terminal and seaport terminal management
  • Vehicle routing problems in road transportation
  • Multi-commodity network design, service network design and facility location
  • Last-mile solutions
  • Capacity analyses of rail networks and railway timetabling.
Agri-food supply chains

Research subtopics:

  • Food waste reduction
  • Food security and sustainability
  • Integrating local and global food production systems
  • Circular economies and food supply chains
  • Inventory and pricing strategies for perishable food supply chains.
Sustainable operations and supply chain management

Research subtopics:

  • Green supply chain management
  • Carbon footprinting of logistics systems
  • Environmental policies and operations and supply chain design
  • Integrating sustainable practices
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Modern slavery and supply chain ethics.
Agile operations

Research subtopics:

  • Organisational agility
  • Agile and resilient operations
  • Management practices and the performance and productivity of small firms
  • Operations excellence
  • Sustainable growth of SMEs.
Supply chain technologies, analytics and risk

Research subtopics:

  • Digital strategies and ICT adoption in operations and supply chain management;
  • Digital transformations of supply chains through artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and blockchain
  • Big data, prescriptive and predictive analytics, demand forecasting and autonomous decision-making
  • Uncertainty and risk mitigation, supply chain insurance
  • Cybersecurity and its implications for supply chain resilience
  • Mathematical programming, stochastic dynamic programming and meta-heuristic optimisation of supply chains
  • Development of models and algorithms to support supply chain network design.  

Research centres

We work closely with the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Food Systems, the Institute for Risk and Uncertainty, the Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice and the Management School’s Centre for Sustainable Business.

Alongside this, our group hosts the School’s Centre for Supply Chain Research, aimed at promoting novel research in contemporary issues in OSCM and collaboration with public and private-sector organisations.

Find out more about the Management School's research centres



Our Group regularly organises seminar series with international leading OSCM experts, to present their latest research and ideas: 

Past seminars


International Trade Policy and Agricultural Supply Chains

  • Dr Sean ArisianLa Trobe Business School (Australia)
  • 25 September 2024

Underground Freight Transportation for Freight Delivery in Urban Environments

Pairs Trading Under Geometric Brownian Motions

Small worlds within global value chains: Implications for multinational enterprises’ environmental, social, and governance controversies

Optimizing Packaging for an eCommerce Business: a stochastic programming approach

Food loss and ugly veg supply chains


Research databases available in ULMS

Fleet deployment and slot exchange in liner shipping alliance with carbon emission trading system

Social media and operations management: An example of automotive recall timing

Sharing Risk with Customers: How Do Customers’ Corporate Tax Changes Affect Suppliers’ Profitability? 

Cyberslacking in the Workplace: Antecedents and Effects on Job Performance

  • Professor Zach Lee, Professor of Business Analytics, University of Leicester (England)
  • 30 March 2023

Hierarchical and Mixed Leadership Games for Dynamic Supply Chains: Applications to Cost Learning and Co-op Advertising

  • Professor Suresh Sethi, Professor of Operations Management and Director of Center for Intelligent Supply Networks, University of Texas (USA)
  • 16 March 2023

Bystanders Join in Cyberbullying on Social Networking Sites: The Deindividuation and Moral Disengagement Perspectives

  • Professor Tommy Chan, Professor in Management Science, Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) (England)
  • 9 March 2023

Effects of online reviews and competition on quality and pricing strategies

  • Professor Xiaojun Wang, Chair in Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Bristol (England)
  • 16 February 2023



Research Centres

Alternative futures for the digital transformation: A macro-level Schumpeterian perspective

  • Professor Zlatko Bodrozic, Professor in Technology, Organisation and Sustainability, University of Leeds (England)
  • 10 November 2022

Managing a portfolio of environmental projects: Focus, balance, and environmental management capabilities

  • Professor Bruce Tong, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
  • 03 November 2022


Knowledge exchange

Since its foundation in 2017, our group has developed a strong portfolio of knowledge exchange projects and research collaborations, with a direct impact on business practice and policymaking.

Using methods such as action research, we have been involved in the implementation of a wide range of industry applications, supporting over 100 businesses and public and third-sector organisations, in improving productivity, responsiveness and resilience.

As a result, our group has built long-standing relations with local, national and international organisations in key industries, including automotive, aerospace, food, pharmaceuticals, road transport, maritime transport, retail and software.

We are enthusiastic participants in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, funded jointly by industry partners and government agencies, and also engage in knowledge exchange supported by direct funding from external collaborators.

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