
This Italian language module is designed for students who have completed ITAL904/004 Elementary Italian 4, or have a high A2 standard of the language in the Common European Framework of Reference, for example a very good GCSE or a rusty AS level. Through a variety of methods students will develop an intermediate competence in reading, writing, listening and speaking Italian and an understanding of intermediate Italian grammar. At the end of this 12-week module students will have reached a B1 proficiency level in the Common European Framework of Reference and will be able to connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences, events, dreams, and expectations and give their own opinion. They will be able to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. They will have a good understanding of life and culture in Italian-speaking countries and intercultural skills necessary for their language proficiency level.




Tasks on Canvas

On Campus classroom (

Indicative homework and assessment tasks


Presentation: how the module work.

Introduction to the course


presentazione di te stesso


Lezione 1: Do you speak Italian?

Poll: imparare italiano è ..

Ascolto: anche tu qui?

Ci presentiamo.

Le nostre aspettative;

Il trapassato prossimo

Esercizi 1-5 pp.144-145


Lezione 1: Do you speak Italian?

Lettura: incidenti di percorso.

Ascolto: Non sono affatto d’accordo.

I pronomi combinati;

Esprimere opinione, accordo e disaccordo;

Gioco: è una parola di origine

Videocorso, pp.16-17;

caffè culturale pp. 18


Lezione 2: Vivere in città

Esercizio 1 pg. 20

Ascolti 2 e 4 pg. 21

Scrittura: un angolo nascosto della tua città

Il condizionale passato

Discussione: Città o campagna?

I verbi pronominali

Esercizio 10 pg. 25

Esercizi 1-12 pp. 152-156


Lezione 2: Vivere in città

Riassumere: preparazione all’esercizio 13

Ascolto pg 28

Role-play: divieti e permessi, esercizio 12

Scambiarsi informazioni: esercizio 13 pg. 27

Facciamo il punto, pg 32

Test 1 pp.160-161


Lezione 3: Made in Italy

Poll: Il made in Italy

Vocabolario: esercizio 2 pg. 35-36

Ascolto 4 pg.36


Discutiamo: Il Made in Italy per me.

Gioco: come si chiama?

Riassiamo: il congiuntivo presente e passato.

In gruppi: essercizio 7 pg. 40

Esercizi 1-7 pp. 162-165




Lezione 3: Made in Italy

Lettura pg 40

Scrittura: Tre buoni motivi per essere...

Ascolto: 13 pg.43

Le parole alterate;

Discussione: gli stereotipi sugli italiani

Role play: una telefonata, pg.44

Videocorso: L’oggetto misterioso, pg.46-47

Caffè culturale pg. 48


Lezione 4: Parole, parole, parole...

Ascolto: esercizio 2 pg. 51

Lettura: esercizi 3 e 4 pg.51

Il congiuntivo imperfetto: forme

Mezzi di comunicazione: quali usi e quanto spesso?

Il congiuntivo imperfetto: usi. Esercizio 7 pg. 54 e 9 pg. 55

Esercizi 1-6 pp. 169-172


Lezione 4: Parole, parole, parole...

Ascolto: esercizi 8 pg. 54 e 10 pg. 55

Il discorso indiretto: esercizi 11-14 pg 56-58

Esercizi 7-12  pp.172-176



Lezione 5: Invito alla lettura

Questionario 1 pg 64

Lettura e ascolto 2 pg. 64-65

Descrizione: il mio romanzo preferito;

la concordanza dei tempi nel congiuntivo;

dare consigli:

Esercizi 1-6 pp.177-179


Lezione 5: Invito alla lettura

Lettura: Per una biblioteca globale (

La forma passiva

Esercizi 7 e 8 pg 70

Raccontiamo: esercizio 12 e 14 pg. 72

Esercizi 7-12   pp.180-183



Class Test + Speaking test 

Written and speaking tests will take place this week. Completing the assessment is required for students taking the course as part of their degree. For all other students, taking the tests is also strongly recommended, as a measure of your progress and learning.


Textbook details:

  • Module textbook: Balì, Maria and Ziglio, Luciana, Nuovo Espresso 3. Libro dello studente e esercizi, Firenze: Alma Edizioni.

Please note. There are three different versions of the textbook:

  • Book only                                                                                            ISBN: 9788861823396
  • Book + multimedia DVD                                                                ISBN: 9788861823389
  • Book + interactive e-book (with audio, video course, video-grammar and interactive exercises with auto corrections)                                                        ISBN: 9788861826847

The version with the book only is recommended for use.

Study Hours

The total number of study hours for this module is 150 hours, in line with undergraduate university modules. This includes class meetings, assessment preparation and self-directed study in line with guidance from the course lecturer.

If you are studying on the extracurricular option, we recognise that the total number of hours that you may be able to study every week may depend on your availability and previous experience studying languages, however, expected contribution to classes, homework completion, and learning outcomes will not vary.  

Please note that the ‘last date available to book’ date is only a guide. We reserve the right to close bookings earlier if courses are over- or under-subscribed. In order to avoid disappointment, please be sure enrol as soon as possible. Registrations will not be processed until the following day if received after 3pm. 

Course Lecturer: Masa Uzelac


Fees for language courses are £190/£95.

Please note that the ‘last date available to book’ date is only a guide. We reserve the right to close bookings earlier if courses are over- or under-subscribed. In order to avoid disappointment, please be sure enrol as soon as possible. Registrations will not be processed until the following day if received after 3pm.

Visit our fee bands page to see which fee applies to you.

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