
This language module is designed for absolute beginners. No previous knowledge of the language is required. Through a variety of methods, students will develop a very basic competence in reading, writing, listening and speaking and an understanding of basic grammar. At the end of this 12 week-module, students will have reached an A1 proficiency level in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and will be able to carry out very simple everyday tasks in the language. Students will be able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. They will be able to introduce themselves and others and ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and things they have. They will be able to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. They will have a basic understanding of significant aspects of life and culture of the country and intercultural skills necessary for their language proficiency level. 



  • Introduction to module
  • Getting to know each other.


  • Lezione 1:
  • Primi contatti Greetings;
  • the Italian alphabet;
  • Introducing yourself;
  • The present tense for essere and chiamarsi (singular forms).


  • Lezione 1:
  • Primi contatti Nationalities; numbers 0-20;
  • Providing more personal information;
  • Register (tu and Lei);
  • The present tense for avere (singular forms).


  • Lezione 2:
  • Io e gli altri Expressing how you are;
  • The indefinite article;
  • Introducing other people;
  • Gender (Masculine/feminine) in nouns and adjectives;
  • The present tense for stare and parlare (singular forms).


  • Lezione 2:
  • Io e gli altri Professions and places of work;
  • Numbers 20-100;
  • The definite article (singular);
  • The present tense for essere, fare and lavorare (sing and plural);
  • Questions words;
  • Expressing age.


  • Lezione 3:
  • Buon appetito Vocabulary:
  • food and drinks; Listening exercise;
  • Understanding “la cultura del caffè” in Italy;
  • Present tense of verbs in –ere (sing and plur);
  • Plural forms of nouns;
  • Ordering drinks at the bar;


  • Lezione 3: Buon appetito Understanding an Italian menu;
  • Reading exercise; Listening exercises;
  • The plural forms of definite articles;
  • Ordering food in a restaurant;
  • Expressing preference.


  • Lezione 4:
  • Tempo Libero The present tense of regular and irregular verb;
  • Italians and free time (online search);
  • Presentation of the result of the online search;
  • Adverbs of frequency.


  • Lezione 4: Tempo Libero The verb piacere;
  • Expressing likes and dislikes;
  • Telling the time.


  • Lezione 5: In albergo Vocab. building exercise;
  • Reading exercise; Listening exercise;
  • The present tens of venire and potere Describing hotels and facilities;
  • Discussing what facilities are important in a hotel; Role play:
  • In albergo;


  • Lezione 5: In albergo Preposizioni articulate (preposition and definite articles);
  • Complaining in a hotel: role-play;
  • Describing private accommodation.

WEEK 12:

Written and speaking tests will take place this week.

Completing the assessment is required for students taking the course as part of their degree. For all other students, taking the tests is also strongly recommended, as a measure of your progress and learning.

Textbook details:

Ziglio, Luciana and Rizzo, Giovanna, Nuovo Espresso 1. Libro dello studente e esercizi, Firenze: Alma Edizioni. Please note. There are three different versions of the textbook: · Book only ISBN: 9788861823181 · Book + multimedia DVD ISBN: 9788861823174 · Book + interactive e-book (with audio, video course, video-grammar and interactive exercises with auto corrections) ISBN: 9788861826724 The version with the book only is recommended for use.

Aprox. Price: £30 

Study Hours

The total number of study hours for this module is 150 hours, in line with undergraduate university modules. This includes class meetings, assessment preparation and self-directed study in line with guidance from the course lecturer.

If you are studying on the extracurricular option, we recognise that the total number of hours that you may be able to study every week may depend on your availability and previous experience studying languages, however, expected contribution to classes, homework completion, and learning outcomes will not vary. 

Please note that the ‘last date available to book’ date is only a guide. We reserve the right to close bookings earlier if courses are over- or under-subscribed. In order to avoid disappointment, please be sure enrol as soon as possible. Registrations will not be processed until the following day if received after 3pm.

Course Lecturer: Christina Diamantatou

Christina finished her CertEd, Cambridge CELTA and MA in Applied Linguistics while working as a language teacher in FE. Her ideas around student retention and student engagement had contributed to high levels of engagement in first year students and persistence to the second year of college. She joined the University of Liverpool in 2017. Her professional interests include the improvement of language teaching; the professional development of teachers; and the refinement of theory and method in language teaching. Christina's research examines curriculum improvement and pedagogy in modern languages, and the nature of educational reform.

Fees for language courses are £190/£95.

Visit our fee bands page to see which fee applies to you.

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