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To Paris and back: how studying languages got me a graduate HR job

Posted on: 10 June 2024 by Amy Chowns in 2024 posts

An image of the skyline of Paris

French and German graduate Amy Chowns was kept on by her work placement abroad, read on to find out about her experience.

Why Liverpool?

From the outset, choosing to study languages at the University of Liverpool was an exciting prospect for me. I had studied French and German for A Level and really enjoyed both, and, after a bit of indecision about whether I wanted to study nursing instead, I was thrilled to be able to carry on with both in higher education. I chose Liverpool for the flexibility of the choice of modules in the programme, and the fact that I could easily combine my two subjects in a 50/50 degree. I also really loved the feel of the city! Studying literature and film is not my forte, so having the opportunity to choose the cultural modules I study alongside the languages was what made Liverpool so attractive to me! During my degree, I have been able to study modules on French and German sociolinguistics, modern language teaching, German history and French food and culture, as well as several others.

View of a German city, Würzburg with an old bridge and historic buildings

Working and Studying

Even before starting my studies in French and German, it was clear to me that the year abroad would be a highlight. So, when the time came to start planning while I was in my second year, I decided to go down two different pathways and have the experience of both working and studying abroad. I secured a placement to work as an administrative assistant for a company called Language Connexion in Paris for semester 1, and I then did a semester of study at our partner university in Würzburg in Germany. Little did I know that this would not only significantly improve my language skills but also pave the way for incredible experiences and opportunities, including securing a graduate job in Paris!

Eiffel Tower in Paris

New Skills

My year abroad provided me with a wide range of skills, not all I had expected to gain during my time at uni. Of course, my French and German language skills were greatly improved, but I also got the opportunity to learn Italian for the first time at a class at uni in Germany. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a really long time, so to get the chance to choose something that interested me so much as part of my year abroad, even though the classes were in German (!), was incredible. In France, as well, I gained various skills linked to administration and finance, which opened me up to a new sector and improved my employability skills. Working in an office for the first time was really enjoyable, and my language skills improved no end from having to call clients, send emails and undertake administration tasks.

View of a city from high up with a sunset in the background

A Graduate Job in HR

I enjoyed my internship in Paris so much, in fact, that when Language Connexion asked me whether I would be interested in a permanent job in HR with them, I jumped at the chance. I have, therefore, been working remotely part-time during my studies this year, and can’t wait to move back out to Paris to take up a full-time position as an HR and Pedagogy Assistant with the company this summer!

All in all, if you’re lucky enough to do a year abroad as part of your degree, then you should do all you can to make the most of your experience. Speak lots of the language(s), discover new places and pick up new skills, you never know where it will lead you afterward…!

Headshot of Amy Chowns

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