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Semester 1 Summaries: Emily Teague

Posted on: 16 December 2021 by Emily Teague in 2021 posts

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This year I started my second academic year at university, living in Smithdown as appose to last year when I lived in halls. The freedom of living in a house with all your friends is unmatched- I would highly recommend the area; great bus connections for university and two major supermarkets very close! I study Hispanic Studies and Italian and the two work very well together in my opinion. My favourite module for Italian has to be ITAL256 which is our grammar module, as learning grammar is the most interesting part of language learning for me. As for Hispanic Studies, I am really enjoying HISP218, which is a module focused on studying politics in the Basque Country. Every module you will study at Liverpool is extremely engaging, as they ask for students’ opinions all the time, and mould most of the modules around your interests- it is very flexible which is great!

 In my spare time this semester, I have created a new society, the Rounders Society, which has been such a hit so far- everyone loves a game of rounders!! As well as running my own club, I have enjoyed taking part in campus netball this semester; it is a nice and chilled out way to exercise and meet new people.  

The languages society, run by students at the university, put on regular events, ranging from language cafes, reggaeton nights, film nights and pub crawls. This semester, I have attended the majority of these and had the best time meeting people who have similar interests to me. I would highly recommend attending these as it makes seminars and lectures that little less daunting, as you will have met the people outside of an academic setting.  

Talking of social events, the best places in Liverpool for meeting friends for a drink in my opinion is either The Font or The Brookhouse (or The Brooky as every student calls it) they’re great for a cheap night out and student nights are a great way to meet other students! There are also many places to meet friends for coffee around campus and the town centre, my favourites being: 92 Degrees which is practically on campus, two minutes away from the library which is so ideal, and Bold Street Coffee, which is on Bold Street in town. Both are small, independent cafes (which we love to support) and do amazing coffees, with fabulous latte art designs!!  

Liverpool is a great city to live in as a student, as there are always events on or things to do. Everyone is super friendly and always up for a good time!