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Literature in Language Learning Conference

Posted on: 5 July 2019 by Ana Bela Almeida in 2019 posts

The Literature in Language Learning Conference.

How can we use songs and poetry in the language classroom? How can creative writing workshops help second language learners? What are the ethical implications of bringing literature to the language class? These were just a few of the questions addressed at the Literature in Language Learning Conference, which took place at the University of Liverpool, on 14 June 2019.

Organized by Ms Ana Bela Almeida, co-founder of the project LitinclassDr Rosalba Biasini and Dr Ulrike Bavendiek, the conference attracted leading experts in the field of language teaching through literature. Keynote speakers Professor Geoff HallDr Idoya Puig, and Dr Ana Gonçalves Matos joined EFL and other Modern Languages teachers and researchers from across the globe, including researchers from the UK, Jordan and Japan, to share best practice and research on this pedagogical approach. Delegates and organisers left the conference inspired with ideas for their classes next year and with a renewed sense of belonging to a community of practitioners. The conference is to become a biennial event, placing the University of Liverpool at the heart of exciting developments in literature and language learning.


Find us on Twitter: #LLLconf

Conference organizer Ana Bela Almeida said:

"It was especially interesting to see how many of our talks today spoke about our mission, as educators, to prepare students for dealing with notions of ambiguity and complexity in their graduate futures. Our speakers emphasized the ways in which the introduction of literature in language learning plays an important role in the development of our students' intercultural awareness. As one of our key aims here at Liverpool is to prepare our students to be global citizens in an ever more complex world, this conference comes at just the right time!"


The Conference Organisers: Ulrike, Ana Bela and Rosalba

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