Student Success Board

Committee description

Secretary: Michelle Keeley-Adamson

The Student Success Board governs each strand of the Student Success Framework:

•    Academic success: all students will have an educational experience which enables them to achieve their full potential
•    Personal success: all students will experience a welcoming and supportive environment which prioritises well-being and belonging
•    Future success: all students will have the opportunity to build their intellectual, social and cultural capital for the future.

The Board is also responsible for overseeing the institutional level objectives. These targets are designed to make a difference, underpinning work that will have real impact on our students. The board operates a workshop format.

Terms of Reference

The Committee’s responsibilities and decision-making powers are as follows:

1.    To identify a set of priorities that the Board will focus on over a 12m period. These priorities will be both internally and externally regulated, as a means of measuring progress on student success. Priorities will enable the board to monitor, evaluate, and intervene in order to support student success.

2.    To direct work to enhance the University of Liverpool’s capacity for enabling student success through the scrutiny and monitoring of data, the development of key performance indicators, the evaluation of programmes, the understanding of both regulatory measures and internal benchmarks, and the commissioning of targeted work at all levels of the university to support student success.

3.    To receive data and insight from the Guild, Faculties, Schools, and Department, to build a collective understanding of the barriers to student success and what actions could be taken at an institutional level.

4.    To champion and evaluate initiatives taking place across the University which contribute to the three strands of student success, including, but not limited to ‘welcome’ activities, initiatives which seek to address barriers to student success for priority groups (eg those identified within the APP), and employability initiatives.

5.    Contribute, filter and process intelligence (both in the education sector and more broadly) in order to support the dissemination of best practice on student success.

6.    To engage in horizon scanning to anticipate and prepare for new opportunities in relation to student success.

7.    In the context of the Liverpool Curriculum Framework, support inclusive approaches to design and delivery of learning, teaching, and assessment approaches, providing the best outcomes and experience for all students.

8.    To establish Task and Finish Groups as required to develop, deliver and evaluate specific interventions, including the development of new initiatives and activities which will further the goals of the Student Success Framework.

9.    To make recommendations to Education Committee on the future priorities for the ‘Education and Student Experience Pillar’ of the University Strategy 2031.

Reporting Relationships

The Student Success Board reports to the Education Committee.

Frequency of Meetings

The Student Success Board usually meets on four occasions during the academic year.


The quorum for meetings of the Student Success Board shall be one third of the membership.

Members or key people

Ex-Officio Members
The Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education (Chair) Professor Gavin Brown
Director of Student Experience and Enhancement (Co-Chair) Dr Paul Redmond
Director of Careers and Employability Iwan Williams
Director, Student Recruitment, Admissions & WP Ian Roberts
Director of Student Life Dr Paula Harrison
Director of Libraries, Museums and Galleries Dr Matt Greenhall
APVC Education (HSS) Professor Lisa Anderson
APVC Education (HLS) Professor Francine Watkins
APVC Education (S&E) Professor Liz Sheffield / Professor Joe Sweeney
SEE Paul Gratrick
PGR Steve Bickerstaff
EQE Professor David Webster
Guild Rep (x2) Lina Dubbins
Vasiliki Samuels
Appointed Members
Advertised position TBC
Advertised position TBC
In Attendance
Secretary Michelle Keeley-Adamson

•    Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee.
•    The Committee may establish time-limited groups as necessary to deal with pertinent issues.

Invited to Attend

Alternatives to be nominated by Professor Gavin Brown/Dr Paul Redmond

If non-University staff or University staff who are not members of the Committee wish to attend, then a formal written request must be made to the Chair who will then decide whether the attendance at the meeting is appropriate.

A deputy should attend the Committee in the event that a Committee member is unavailable.

Meeting dates

  • 4 October 2024, 10.00 am
  • 19 February 2025, 10.00 am
  • 9 May 2025, 10.00 am
  • 3 July 2025, 10.00 am