Senior Leadership Team

Committee description

Secretary: Emma Leonard, Email:

Terms of Reference

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is the University’s operational executive body.  Within the parameters set by the overarching strategy approved by Council and the University’s statutory framework and delegation scheme, it:

  1. Takes decisions on major operational matters that have institutional reach, and strategic issues where doing so is time critical.
  2. Reviews proposals relating to the development of, or major changes to, institutional strategies, major policies, frameworks, and other governance documentation to ensure a coordinated management response before these are submitted to the formal governance structure for scrutiny and approval.
  3. If delegated by the Vice-Chancellor, commits expenditure on projects of a value of up to £5m.*
  4. Is responsible for establishing, operating and monitoring the system of risk management, including: defining the University’s risk framework and readiness to expose itself to risk for strategic benefit; assessing the University’s exposure to risk, especially in terms of its strategic plan; reviewing the strategic risk register; periodically reviewing the effectiveness of risk management processes; and bi-annually reporting on risk to Council.
  5. Considers Planning and Performance Cycle budgetary/student number parameters and processes and budgets and five year plans.
  6. Approves the allocation of the Strategic Investment Fund.
  7. Considers the details of institutional performance against KPIs/SPIs, the key internal and external risks related to the delivery of Liverpool 2031, and recommended actions to improve performance and manage risk prior to submission to the formal governance structure.
  8. Agrees short, medium and long term initiatives to improve institutional positioning and accelerate progress towards Liverpool 2031 objectives.
  9. Oversees the University's international strategy and considers significant international projects, partnerships and policies.
  10. Considers proposals for estates and other major capital expenditure or disposals before these are submitted to the formal governance structure for scrutiny and approval.
  11. Oversees the programme of strategic change and approves strategic change projects.
  12. Oversees people strategy, policy and employee engagement matters.
  13. Oversees equality, diversity and inclusion matters.
  14. Approves managing change proposals in advance of formal consultation with relevant staff and Trades Unions.
  15. Leads on the management of health and safety.
  16. Oversees sustainability matters.
  17. Approves student residential rents.
  18. Oversees the implementation of the Policy and Procedure on Disclosure of Interest.
  19. In accordance with the University’s Scheme of Delegation:

    • Makes strategic decisions relating to student intakes and offer levels (including decisions about strategy for Confirmation and Clearing) and fee levels
    • Approves institution-wide bursary and scholarship schemes
    • Grants approval for smaller scale academic partnerships
    • Approves operational arrangements to support student welfare
    • Approves minor amendments to: non-academic policies; policies relating to students (but not those related to teaching quality and standards or collaborative provision (teaching)); and research-related policies (but not those related to postgraduate research students)
    • Approves the dates for the academic year and dates for degree ceremonies.
  20. Receives updates from the Liverpool Guild of Students on the progress being made against its strategic plan.
  21. Oversees the work of the wide range of groups managing academic business, member/stakeholder representation, and oversight/delivery of the strategic plan, disestablishing groups and establishing new groups as appropriate.

Reporting Relationship

The SLT does not formally report to any group or committee.  However, matters that require formal governance scrutiny are referred to the appropriate body, following any amendments agreed being made.

Frequency of Meetings

The SLT meets weekly, with the first meeting of each month being an informal, paperless meeting and the remainder of the meetings each month being formal business meetings.  Away Days are also held.


The quorum for meetings of the SLT shall be half of its membership.


Once approved, unreserved minutes are published on the Governance team’s intranet.


* Capital financial delegated authority levels stated only apply to those projects already identified in the Capital Plan.
Any projects that could be considered sensitive should still be reported to Council for approval, even if these projects are lower in value.

Members or key people

Vice-Chancellor (Chair)

Professor Tim Jones

The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Professor Richard Black

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement and Partnerships

Professor Tariq Ali

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education

Professor Gavin Brown

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact

Professor Anthony Hollander

Executive Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Health and Life Sciences

Professor Louise Kenny

Executive Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Fiona Beveridge

Executive Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Science and Engineering

Professor Wiebe van der Hoek

Chief Financial Officer

Nicola Davies

Chief Operating Officer    

To be Appointed

University Secretary and General Counsel

Kevan Ryan

Other individuals will be invited to attend for specific items of business at the discretion of the SLT.

Meeting dates

  • 2 September 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 9 September 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 16 September 2024, Away Day
  • 23 September 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 7 October 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 14 October 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 21 October 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 28 October 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 4 November 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 11 November 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 19 November 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 25 November 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 2 December 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 9 December 2024, 1.00 pm
  • 6 January 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 13 January 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 20 January 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 27 January 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 3 February 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 10 February 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 17 February 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 24 February 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 3 March 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 10 March 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 17 March 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 24 March 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 31 March 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 7 April 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 14 April 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 22 April 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 28 April 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 6 May 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 12 May 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 19 May 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 27 May 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 2 June 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 9 June 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 16 June 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 23 June 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 7 July 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 21 July 2025, 1.00 pm
  • 28 July 2025, 1.00 pm

A full schedule of Committee meeting dates can be viewed here.