Digital Investment Portfolio Group

Committee description

Secretary: Katie Blundell, Email:

On behalf of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), the Committee will provide an appropriate governance framework to effectively oversee the investment in digital infrastructure.

Terms of Reference

  1. To consider, prioritise and agree a Portfolio of Digital Investment (including Strategic Change & Capital Projects involving technology) for the whole University, aligned to and supporting the Digital Strategy (which underpins Strategy 2031).
  2. To consider and direct as required digital investment business cases.
  3. To ensure that whole life costs, business benefits and risks are managed and are accounted for.
  4. To consider, discuss and agree associated business change requirements (operating models, structural implications, culture, employee development and communications requirements) necessary to support the effective utilisation of the investments.
  5. To approve the delivery plans for the portfolio and agree the reporting regime at stages from sign off to project closure.
  6. To recommend to SLT the annual Digital Investment Portfolio.
  7. To serve as an escalation point for major operational risks or service issues related to the investment portfolio
  8. Under delegated authority, approve digital equipment cases up to a value of £2m
  9. To refer matters and seek information from other committees as appropriate

Reporting Relationships

DIPG receives reports and recommendations from the IT Prioritisation Board.

DIPG reports to Planning Group and through to the Finance and Resources Committee via SLT.

Frequency of Meetings

DIPG usually meets on five occasions during the academic year.


The quorum for meetings of DIPG shall be half of the membership.

Members or key people

Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Professor Richard Black
Chief Financial Officer Nicola Davies
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education or Nominee Professor Gavin Brown
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact or Nominee Professor Anthony Hollander
Chief Operating Officer  TBC
Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science (Faculty of Science & Engineering) Professor Katie Atkinson
Head of Communication and Media, School of the Arts (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) Professor Kay O’Halloran
Director of Operations, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences  Niki Sandman
Professional Services  
Interim Director Strategic Change Rachel Parkes
Director of Procurement Amy Noble
Head of Faculty Finance, Professional Services Christine McGowan
Chief Digital Information Officer Dan Lawrence
Associate Director Planning/Partnerships Liz Simcox
Group Director, Property & Campus Services David Furnival


Meeting dates

  • 18 September 2024, 2.00 pm
  • 21 November 2024, 10.00 am
  • 7 February 2025, 10.00 am
  • 14 May 2025, 2.00 pm
  • 31 July 2025, 10.00 am