Combined Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Process

If you're applying to study on the 10 or 6-week Pre-sessional course at the English Language Centre and a postgraduate taught academic course at the University of Liverpool, you may be eligible for a Combined CAS.

A Combined CAS can be used to apply for one visa that covers both your Pre-sessional course and your academic course. This will allow you to remain in the UK for the duration of both periods of study.

Deadlines for Combined CAS applications

Academic year 2024/25

Course Latest date to apply Latest date to accept offers
10 week with Combined CAS 18 April 2025 25 April 2025
6 week with Combined CAS 16 May 2025 23 May 2025

Eligibility criteria

In line with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) Student visa guidance, the University will issue a Combined CAS to students applying for postgraduate taught study (including MRes) where an applicant meets the requirements outlined below.

6-week study

For 6-week study, a Combined CAS is available to you if:

  • You already hold an unconditional offer for a postgraduate course at the University but wish to study a Pre-sessional course to enhance your English skills, or if you meet the English language requirements for the 6-week Pre-sessional course with a valid SELT
  • The start date of your degree programme is less than one month after the end date of your Pre-sessional course
  • The only remaining condition of your academic offer is English language. All other academic conditions must have been met and accepted
  • The English language condition for your academic offer is not above level B2 (IELTS 6.5)
  • You have accepted an academic offer and a Pre-sessional offer by 5pm (GMT) on Friday 23 May 2025.

10-week study

For 10-week study, a Combined CAS is available to you if:

  • You already hold an unconditional offer for a postgraduate course at the University wish to study a Pre-sessional course to enhance your English skills, or if you meet the English language requirements for the 10-week Pre-sessional course with a valid SELT
  • The start date of your degree programme is less than one month after the end date of your Pre-sessional course
  • The only remaining condition of your academic offer is English language. All other academic conditions must have been met and accepted
  • The English language condition for your academic offer is not above level B2 (IELTS 6.5)
  • You have accepted an academic offer and a Pre-Sessional offer by 5pm (GMT) on Friday 25 April 2025.

If you don't meet the requirements above, or if you don't want a Combined CAS, we'll arrange two separate CAS numbers for you: one for your Pre-sessional course, and one for your postgraduate programme. You'll then apply for two separate visas. If you don’t want a Combined CAS, you’ll need to provide a SELT (IELTS for UKVI) as part of your application.

If you aren’t able to accept your offer for the Pre-sessional course and academic course by the dates noted above, we won’t be able to issue you with a Combined CAS and we will issue you with two separate CAS numbers.

What do you need to do?

To be issued with a Combined CAS you must:

  1. Have applied for your academic programme and Pre-sessional course by the application deadlines as noted on our dates and fees
  2. Have accepted your academic offer and your Pre-sessional offer by the dates as outlined in eligibility criteria above.

Extra information

This information is for students with conditional offers for a postgraduate academic programme.

If you have remaining English language conditions and wish to be considered for a Combined CAS, your academic offer will be upgraded from conditional to unconditional on the understanding that you will attend the 6-week or 10-week Pre-Sessional course at the English Language Centre and complete the course to the required level. Attendance is compulsory and will be monitored.

If you don't register on an appropriate Pre-sessional course, or if you don't attend or don't successfully complete the course, your unconditional offer will be removed and a conditional offer based on English will be re-issued. We'll also contact the UKVI to inform them of your current status at the University of Liverpool.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)

If you require an ATAS certificate for academic study, you must apply for this and receive clearance before a Combined CAS will be issued. Find out more about the ATAS Scheme.

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