1:1 Academic writing consultations

Our 1:1 academic writing consultations are designed to help you improve your written language and academic style.

What our consultations cover

Consultations will:

  • Consider written work submitted as part of studies at the University of Liverpool. Please submit the assessment guide/brief alongside your own work
  • Be based on a short extract of your work which must be submitted in advance of the session. You can submit your work when you book or at a later date. If you don't submit a sample of work, your appointment will be cancelled 
  • Focus on no more than two or three pages (max. 1,000 words) of your work. If you want the tutor to focus on a particular section/feature of your work, please highlight this in your text or add a note/comment at the start
  • Be open to individuals or small groups of classmates (up to three) working on the same assignment. One piece of work should be submitted which may consist of one page of work from each student.

What our consultations don't cover

The consultation won't:

  • Look at work not assessed as part of your course, eg an article for publication or preparation for an external exam such as IELTS
  • Comment on/correct content
  • Provide a proof reading service
  • Correct assignments in great detail
  • Advise on writing CVs or personal statements.*

*Personal statements and CVs will be looked at if one of your modules requires this for an assessment. In this case, please state both the module code and the programme at the top of the work. Otherwise, for help writing personal statements and CVs, please visit our Careers webpages.

Online consultations

The English Language Centre offers online consultations via Microsoft Teams. These will run throughout the main academic year (excluding bank holidays) including the summer period.

Book an online consultation.

Once your consultation is confirmed, you'll receive an email invitation with instructions and a link to attend your consultation online.  To ensure that your online consultation runs smoothly, please read and follow the instructions carefully.  Please note the terms and conditions above.

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