Events and seminars

Find out more about our next seminars with prominent international guest speakers and upcoming events.







Our group regularly organises seminar series with prominent international speakers, to present their latest research and ideas in economics:


Wednesday 9 October 2024

Dividing a Commons with Tight Guarantees 

  • Speaker: Professor Herve Moulin, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow (Scotland)
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2-3:15 pm
  • In person: 502 TR-4


The exploitation of common property resources (to divide private commodities, share a cooperative production function, cover jointly liable costs etc..) continues to inspire multiple context-dependent definitions of fairness lacking the generality and breadth of the efficiency and incentive compatibility concepts.

We introduce a new principle to manage a general commons grounded in the profoundly appealing Lockean prescription that each agent should receive "the fruit of their own labor", aka the ‘’self-ownership’’ viewpoint.

This principle is only operational if my contribution to the final outcome is unambiguously separated from others’ contributions, as when we share a production function with constant returns.

This is not possible in general, so we interpret selfownership as a pair of tight approximations of this decentralised ideal, limiting from above and below the impact of other agents on my own allocation.

We work out the consequences of this principle in a context-free model of the commons as a production function from individual inputs to an output that must be shared.

Our approximation viewpoint is mathematically tractable because we assume a freely transferable output and a simple one dimensional input from each stakeholder.

Its versatile applications include the classic one-to-one technology with substitute or complementary inputs, the assignment of indivisible objects and side payments, cost sharing of a public facility or of transportation costs to the facility, and more.

Given the production function, choosing one pair in the infinite menu of tight decentralised approximations puts sharp but far from deterministic bounds on the final distribution of the output: it is a precise normative position that still leaves room for direct negotiations or the choice of a deterministic sharing rule.

Wednesday 16 October 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Edouard Schaal, CREI (Spain)
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2 pm
  • In personroom TBC

Wednesday 23 October 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Robert Taylor, University of Essex (England) 
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2 pm
  • In personroom TBC

Wednesday 30 October 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Dante Amengual, CEMFI (Spain)
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2 pm
  • In personroom TBC

Wednesday 6 November 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Dmitriy Sergeyev, Bocconi University (Italy) 
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2 pm
  • In personroom TBC

Wednesday 13 November 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Hamid Sabourian, University of Cambridge (England)
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2 pm
  • In personroom TBC

Wednesday 20 November 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Peter Dolton, University of Sussex (England)
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2 pm
  • In personroom TBC

Friday 22 November 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Leah Boustan, Princeton University (US)
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2 pm
  • In personroom TBC

Wednesday 27 November 2024

  • Speaker: Professor Christian Brownlees, UPF (Spain)
  • Open to: ECON Group staff and students, with no sign up needed
  • Time: 2 pm
  • In personroom TBC 
Past seminars


PCF-GAN: generating sequential data via the characteristic function of measures on the path space

Urbanization, Structural Transformation and Rural-Urban Disparities in China and India

Job Security and Liquid Wealth 

Deliver Us from Crime? Online Platforms, Gig Jobs and Offending 

Sequential Monitoring for Changes in Dynamic Semiparametric Risk Models 

Dynamic Deterrence of Police Patrolling 

Running Up that Hill: Fitness in the Face of Recession 

Detection of a structural break in intraday volatility pattern 

We've Got You Covered: Employer and Employee Responses to Dobbs v. Jackson 

The effects of sin taxes and advertising restrictions in a dynamic equilibrium 

Monetary Policy and Endogenous Financial Crises 

Inequality, Demand Composition, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy 

Coherent Distorted Beliefs 

Measurement, Measurement: How Well-Measured Business Income Affects Economic Inequality 



Sectoral Labour Flows 

Pre-school learning and parenting in early childhood: Experimental evidence from Ghana 

Mobile Internet and the Rise of Communitarian Politics in Europe 

Scaling Up the American Dream: a Dynamic Analysis 

Estimation of a dynamic threshold panel time series regression with cross-sectional dependence 

A model of approval with an application to list design 

Justices of the Peace: Legal Foundations of the Industrial Revolution 

Fair hiring procedures 

10 May 2023 - Mariann Ollár, University of Edinburgh (Scotland)

3 May 2023 - Giuseppe Moscelli, University of Surrey (England)

26 April 2023 - Emma Tominey, University of York (England)

22 March 2023 - Stephen Hansen, University College London (England)

15 March 2023 - Vincent Sterk, University College London (England)

8 March 2023 - Mingli Chen, University of Warwick (England)

22 February 2023 - José-Luis Peydró, Imperial College London (England) and UPF (Spain)

16 February 2023 - Steven Ongena, University of Zurich (Switzerland)


8 February 2023 - Ludovic Renou, Queen Mary University of London (England)



7 December 2022 - Andrea Ferrero, University of Oxford (England)

23 November - Sanjit Dhami, University of Leicester (England)

16 November 2022 - Laura Coroneo, University of York (England)

2 November 2022 - Erik Plug, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)

31 October 2022 - Ghazala Azmat, Sciences Po (France)

26 October 2022 - Antonio Penta, UPF (Spain)

12 October 2022 - Robert Sauer, Royal Holloway, University of London (England)

28 September 2022 - Toomas Hinnosaar, University of Nottingham (England)

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