Empowering Students and Building Networks: Speed Interviewing in March 2023

Posted on: 19 April 2023 by Jade McGee in Employer Connections Blog

As part of our new employer connected events in 2022-23, we piloted a Speed Mock Interview event in March 2023 to help our students improve their techniques and build their industry networks.

In the ever-changing landscape of recruitment, we know it’s crucial for students to be on top of the latest trends and techniques. Here at Liverpool we like to involve our industry partners where possible to contribute to the growth and upskilling of our students, so in March 2023 we hosted our first-ever Speed Mock Interview event.

The format of the event was carefully designed to provide students with a platform to showcase their skills, gain real-world experience, and network with professionals from a range of organisations and sectors.

We welcomed 12 representatives to run multiple ‘quick-fire’ interviews with a group of 30 students, and found that this format created a real buzz in the room with students eager to gain as much insight on their technique as possible before we opened up for informal networking.

“A great idea for an event that can be developed further in the future. Thank you for inviting me to take part. “


This new event proved to be invaluable for both parties, with both students and industry representatives providing us with positive feedback.

“My favourite part of this event was the enthusiasm of everyone who attended!” 

Whilst for students it provides a chance to hone their communication skills and make new connections, it’s a great opportunity for external organisations to ‘give back’ and contribute to students’ growth, as well as talent spot for potential future opportunities.

After the successes of this pilot, we’re excited to be bringing the event back with a larger pool of talented students in Autumn 2023, as part of Employability Day.

If you’d be interested in future Speed Mock Interview events, get in touch with employerconnections@liverpool.ac.uk