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SOTA Study Abroad Week

Posted on: 26 November 2019 in Posts

SOTA study abroad week

From the 11th November-15th November, the School of the Arts hosted its first Study Abroad Week. Across the five days, Study Abroad Officer Charlotte Fairclough led pre-application workshops and partner university sessions for all SOTA students who are interested in studying abroad.

The SOTA Study Abroad Week was part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Study Abroad Week which saw ULMS, School of Law and Social Justice and School of Histories, Languages and Cultures replicating similar Study Abroad workshops. There were 9 workshops ran in the School of the Arts and they were attended by over 40 students from all five departments. In addition to the workshops, SOTA students had the opportunity to attend a drop-in appointment with Charlotte every day from 3pm-4pm in the ULMS Atrium.

The Study Abroad Week culminated in a Faculty Networking Event which gave SOTA students the chance to meet previous outbound students as well as incoming exchange students from partner universities all over the world.

We hope to be able to run a similar week next academic year! If you have any questions regarding Studying Abroad then please email and Charlotte will be able to help you!