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Record Numbers of Philosophy Students Study Abroad in 2018-19

Posted on: 10 December 2018 in Posts

Year in China by Maideline Simpson

(Photos kindly provided by Madeleine Simpson, a Law & Philosophy student on the Year in China programme, 2018-19.)

‌There is compelling evidence to show that Study Abroad opportunities, and outward mobility in general, have a positive impact on student outcomes (see Gone International: mobility works). Students who undertake a period of international study (a) graduate with better degrees, (b) are more likely to be employed after graduation, (c) are earning more than their non-mobile peers. What is more, this positive impact is further pronounced for students from a disadvantaged or ethnic-minority group (when compared against own group).

At the Department of Philosophy, we have been working hard to promote such opportunities amongst our students, and we are very glad to boast a record number of study-abroad places in 2018-19:

Three students participated in the Summer School abroad scheme at XJTLU, our partner University in China (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University).
Two students are taking a Semester Abroad (credit-bearing study, Canada Universities).
Ten students are currently on the Year in China programme (also at XJTLU).

To put this in perspective: while the Philosophy student population amounts to approximately 1% of the University student population, about 10% of University students on the Year in China programme are Philosophy students! XJTLU is a strategic University partner in this respect, for obvious geopolitical reasons. To quote Professor David Goodman (Vice President, Academic Affairs, Professor of China Studies, XJTLU): 'it is not just an opportunity but a responsibility to send our students to China'.

Year in China by Maideline Simpson

Beyond this, we are working as a Department towards establishing new, subject-based partnerships with Universities abroad and we are confident that our students will continue benefiting from such initiatives. Philosophy is in itself a discipline that transcends boundaries of all kinds and invites a meeting of traditions as well as a challenge for personal growth. Our global outlook is a strength that we ought to foster.