Programme and Module Approval

In order to assure academic quality and standards, the University of Liverpool’s programme and module approval processes are informed by the following principles:

  • Development and design by subject experts;
  • Consultation and engagement with stakeholders such as students, employers and professional bodies;
  • Scrutiny from academic subject experts who are external to the University;
  • Approval workflows through Curriculum Boards (subject level), School Scrutiny Panels, and a University Approval Panel; with the level of final approval commensurate with the complexity and nature of the proposal.

The approval processes for modules and programmes are facilitated by the Curriculum Manager platform, which can be accessed via the UoL staff intranet home page.  Detailed guidance on the processes and using Curriculum Manager are available via the AQSD staff intranet.

Consultation with students is a key feature of the programme and module approval process and requirements are set out in the Policy on Engaging Students in Curriculum Development and Approval

Below are summary statements on the approval workflows for programmes and modules.

  • Design Workshops – workshops involving the programme team and stakeholders to inform the development of the programme.
  • External Review – at least two academic reviewers who are external to the programme must review and produce a report on the programme proposal.
  • Curriculum Board – a subject-level board that endorses programme proposals and can approve some module proposals. Please see the link below for the Curriculum Boards Terms of Reference1.
  • School Scrutiny Panel – this School-level panel can approve modules and approve some programme proposals. Please see the link below for the School Scrutiny Panel Terms of Reference2.
  • Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee (FAQSC) – Faculty level committees with oversight of the programme change processes.

University Approval Panel – this panel gives final approval to relevant proposals. Please see the link below for the University Approval Panel Terms of Reference.

New Programmes

There are three clear stages to the new programme approval process: Plan, Design, and Approve:


  • Portfolio Review Group – this Group maintains oversight of plans for new programmes.
  • Strategic Planning – the business and marketing plan for a new programme is reviewed by relevant University professional services departments: External Relations for market research and marketing; the Library for learning resource requirements; IT Services for IT requirements; Facilities, Residential and Commercial Services for facilities and accommodation requirements; Academic Quality and Standards Division for collaborative provision requirements.
  • Strategic Planning (outline) Approval – the business and marketing plan is approved by the relevant School Scrutiny Panel and notified to the University Approval Panel and other stakeholders.


  • Design Workshops – required for all new programme proposals.
  • External Review – required for all new programme proposals to inform and affirm programme development.


  • Curriculum Board – the first level of endorsement for new programmes.
  • School Scrutiny Panel – the second level of endorsement for new programmes; this Panel will recommend approval to the University Approval Panel.
  • University Approval Panel – gives final approval to run a new programme.

Revalidation of Programmes* – required for substantial changes to an existing programme

  • FAQSC Review Panel – this Committee determines if proposed programme changes are programme modifications or require programme revalidation.
  • Design Workshops – optional, depending on the complexity and/or extent of the changes to the programme.
  • External Review – required for all programme revalidations to inform and affirm programme development.
  • Curriculum Board – the first level of endorsement for programme revalidations.
  • School Scrutiny Panel – the second level of endorsement for programme revalidations; this Panel will recommend approval to the University Approval Panel.
  • University Approval Panel – gives final approval to revalidate a programme.

* Programmes may also be revalidated through the University’s internal Periodic Review process, details of which can be accessed here.

Programme Modification – for minor programme changes

  • FAQSC Review Panel – this Committee determines if proposed programme changes are programme modifications or require programme revalidation.
  • Curriculum Board – the first level of endorsement for programme modification.
  • School Scrutiny Panel – gives final approval for the programme modification.

New Modules/Major Changes to Modules

  • Curriculum Board – the first level of endorsement for new modules or major changes to existing modules.
  • School Scrutiny panel – gives final approval for new modules and for major changes to existing modules.

Minor Module Changes

    • Curriculum Board – the only level of approval required for minor module changes.


Curriculum Boards Terms of Reference

School Scrutiny Panels Terms of Reference 

University Approval Panel Terms of Reference and Membership


AQSD contacts for programme and module approval processes

Alyssa Lloyd for the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Gill Price for the Faculty of Science and Engineering


Proposals for programmes that involve collaborative arrangements:

Gill Price (see above) or Gill Murphy  


For advice in relation to online programmes delivered in partnership with Kaplan Open Learning:

Jo Billington


For general queries: and

Liz McAleer