A letter to my first-year self: Ryan

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Ryan Grant is a final year Aerospace Engineering student. Here, Ryan looks back at his time at the University and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.

Dear First Year Me,

I know you’re excited but also questioning if you made the right decision. I can tell you now you did, I know having to do a foundation year isn’t a great start and you could’ve gone straight to another university and not done one. But I can promise you, you’ll come to realise the University of Liverpool was the best thing that could’ve happened to you. The lessons it’ll teach you, the friends you’ll make and the knowledge you’ll obtain will make you an exceptional person in the future.

Throughout university, you’ll learn a lot about yourself, who you are as a person, and you’ll develop the values and philosophies that you intend to live by. Don’t be afraid of that change because you’ll realise later that’s truly who you are, and it’ll bring you peace and happiness.

Additionally, make sure you enjoy university, never let an opportunity pass by, seize every chance you get because you only go through university once, be sure to stick to Pool and Snooker, apply to be a career coach and explore the world around you with your friends.

However, don’t get complacent there is still a lot of work that needs to be done and do not underestimate the workload and effort needed to finish your foundation year and degree, to ultimately achieve your dream.

Finally, as I look back on my experience at university something dad will say to you is that “you should be happy, healthy and educated in that order.” However, reflecting on my experience I now find myself amending that advice to be “educate yourself with the knowledge you have access to from books and friends and in that you’ll find health and happiness”.

Closing this letter out I just want to remind you to be grateful for everything you have and always, always remember “AKA… What A Life!” Good luck, I already know you can do it,

Your Future Self,


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