Your safety

Policies and procedures relating to your safety in our accommodation.

Repairs and maintenance

Reporting repairs

All repair requests should be reported via My Requests on Liverpool Life. Any urgent/emergency jobs should be reported directly to your Hall Reception.

Our aim

Our aim is to support the University’s mission through the provision of a flexible, responsive and cost effective repairs and maintenance service, designed to help protect the environment, the health, safety and welfare of its members and that of the wider community.

We will aim to complete repairs within the following target times.

Emergency repairs - same day response

Defect or failure likely to cause risk to the health and safety of customers, staff or visitors or likely to cause serious risk to a University asset or the image of the University.

Examples are:

  • Isolating the water supply to a leaking pipe to prevent further damage
  • Boarding up a broken window.

Urgent repairs – three day response

Repairs requiring a prompt response, but not an emergency.

Examples are:

  • Replacement of defective lamps over stairs, desks and where it’s the only light in a room
  • Re-glazing to a window following on from a board up.

Routine – seven calendar day response

Repairs which though important, are not an immediate risk to health and safety.

Examples are:

  • Easing an internal door
  • Repairing defective external lighting.

Non-urgent repairs - 30 calendar day response (subject to available resources)

All other repairs and repairs requiring manufactured components or specially ordered parts or where access may be restricted.

Our services

We will:

  • Respond to all repairs and maintenance requests promptly and efficiently
  • Not give notice for emergency or urgent repairs, but aim to give 7 days prior notice for planned works and 24 hours prior notice for other purposes
  • Vet all contractors prior to employment and maintain a standing schedule of approved contractors
  • Provide appropriately trained, experienced and professional trades people
  • Monitor quality through Key Performance Indicators and customer feedback and report performance data
  • Ensure that appropriate maintenance contracts are in place
  • Constantly review services to ensure that they are the right quality and represent value for money
  • Pro-actively encourage customers to complain when they feel they have received poor services
  • Ensure that the University meets the requirements of all statutory legislation and maintains a safe working environment
  • Keep customers informed of changes when they occur
  • Promote equal opportunities within contractors and suppliers.

Your responsibilities

Your help is needed to enable us to provide a good service.

We expect you to:

  • Report the maintenance request via Liverpool Life, any damage or want of repair at the residence or any failure of the services as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 24 hours of becoming aware of it
  • Cease use immediately and prevent further use of any electrical equipment suspected of being faulty
  • Show courtesy to staff at all times and acknowledge that they trying their bests to help you
  • Co-operate with contractors and operatives
  • Allow access to accommodation for the purposes of inspection and maintenance works
  • Participate in customer satisfaction monitoring
  • Contact us if things go wrong.


If you are dissatisfied with any part of the service we provide and wish to make a formal complaint, please detail the nature of your complaint in writing and submit it to Mark Suffield, via your Hall Manager or Porter. All complaints are dealt with in compliance with the University of Liverpool Student Complaints Procedure.

Smoking policy

Smoking is not allowed in any public or shared space within the Residences, or within five meters of a main or secondary entrance or window. This includes E-cigarettes.

Failure to follow the above policy will be a criminal offence and could result in a fixed penalty fine. The Contractual Information section in the Halls Handbook makes it clear any criminal activity constitutes a University disciplinary offence and grounds for terminating a residence agreement.

Safe environment

The halls of residence are committed to maintaining a safe environment for students to live and university employees to work. Residents must ensure that their study bedrooms are free from clutter and that the floor area in particular is free from trailing cables and personal belongings.

Communal areas are the responsibility of all residents. If any safety issues arise they should be reported in the first instance to the Hall Manager.

Equipment from overseas

Equipment from outside the UK may not be suitable for immediate use without being specially adapted. Please refer enquiries about electrical appliances to the reception. If the reception staff considers it necessary for you to have your appliance adapted by a qualified electrician, it will be your responsibility to arrange and pay for that before using the appliance. You should ask the electrician who carries out the work for proof that the appliance is suitable for use in the residences. You must show this proof to the Hall Manager before you can use the equipment.


Please be aware, UK standard voltage is 230v, 50hz.

Good neighbour policy

The University and the Residences support the principle of being a good neighbour and of residents, visitors and guests at the Residences being bound by this principle and behaving responsibly at all times.

The Residences operate within a wider community framework, including home owners, shopkeepers, and service providers such as the city council, police, fire and ambulance services. Students use the services and facilities within the community and should do so with respect.

Examples of the behaviour expected include:

  • Taking rubbish home or using waste bins provided, and not littering the streets
    Respecting the property of others, particularly fences, walls, street furniture and parked cars
  • When returning home late at night or in the early hours of the morning being aware that noise travels and is capable of disturbing others
  • Taking account of the effect alcohol can have on your behaviour and the way others may view it and moderating consumption accordingly
  • Being aware of others’ sensibilities and beliefs and recognising that some jokes or displays may be provocative and offensive to others
  • Playing music at a reasonable volume and not imposing individual choices on others
  • Treating staff at the Residences with respect at all times.

The above listing is by no means exhaustive and is intended to raise awareness and give a general insight into the qualities required of a good neighbour.

Any person engaging in anti-social behaviour can expect the Residences to take appropriate action and if necessary seek redress through the Residence Agreement.

Depending on the circumstances, University disciplinary procedures may be invoked. Where behaviour extends beyond nuisance into criminality it will not be tolerated and will be reported to the police.

Grounds maintenance

Grounds maintenance at the Residences is provided by Facilities Management.

Facilities Management are a department within the University which maintains all public grounds and buildings. All pathways and lighting around halls of residence are maintained by Facilities Management. The grounds and areas surrounding the Residences buildings as specifically managed by a dedicated team of gardener’s based at the Halls of Residence. The gardeners maintain all the planting and fences around residences.

A dedicated team of halls staff are responsible for ensuring your ground are kept clean, tidy and litter free. Designated bins are provided around the sites and are emptied on a regular basis.

Please ensure you are disposing of litter in a responsible manner.

There are designated smoking areas around the site please ensure you are using the bins provided these bins are emptied once a week.

If you have any queries or concerns about the grounds please contact the reception team in your hall.

Pest control

Residential Services are committed to providing accommodation that is safe and well maintained.

During the year there may be incidences of infestations by pests due to weather conditions, location of buildings in rural areas or other environmental factors. Residential Services have put in place an arrangement with the Environmental Services Department at Liverpool City Council for dealing with any problems which may arise.

If there are any problems with pests in study bedrooms or in any communal areas of the Halls, residents should contact the Halls Reception by phone or email so that the incident can be recorded and reported to Environmental Health.

A member of staff from Environmental Health will visit and treat the affected area. The resident will be kept informed of the timescale for this visit and the results of the visit.

If there is further treatment required or if there is a need to move a resident this will be arranged through the Halls Management team and the Accommodation Office.

Snow and ice clearing policy

Residential Services and its partners are committed to providing accommodation in a safe and well managed community. As part of this commitment there are a range of policies and procedures in place to ensure we meet this stated objective. The winter months present a number of specific problems relating to the environment due to snow and ice. The following policy outlines the Department's response to some of these issues.

Grounds maintenance at the Residences is provided by Facilities Management. This is the department within the University which maintains all public grounds and buildings. The grounds and areas surrounding the Residences buildings as specifically managed by a dedicated team of Gardner’s based at the Halls of Residence.

Snow clearance

Facilities Management do not provide a snow clearing service.

Ice clearing policy

In order to maintain a safe environment there are a number of arrangements in place to deal with ice.

  • Grit bins are strategically placed around the Halls of Residence to facilitate the distribution of salted grit on pathways
  • During the winter months additional sated grit is delivered in bags and left by main entrances
  • It is generally the gardening staff that take responsibility for gritting. The priority is usually main entrances to buildings, steps, and then major pedestrian pathways
  • Car parks are not gritted
  • Residences staff will also supplement the laying of grit as problems present themselves during the working day
  • The weather forecast is monitored and when frost or snow is predicted the night before, the gardners will lay down grit as detailed above.

Health and safety

The presence of snow and ice does present health and safety risks, as the potential for slips, trips and falls increases significantly. It is important all persons on site adhere to common sense protocols, such as:

  • Walk, don’t run
  • Wear footwear with a non-slip sole
  • Try where possible to leave hands free to aid balance and or in the event of a fall you will be better able to minimise the effects of a slip, trip or fall
  • Allow more time for your journey
  • Be mindful of slipping while walking, using ramps and steps
  • If driving be mindful of skidding when leaving car parks as they are not gritted.

Reporting hazardous conditions

To report hazardous conditions please report these locally to the Halls Reception or Halls Management staff.

In the event of being unable to contact a responsible person please call University Security on +44 (0)151 794 3252.

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